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Mugen Free For All

Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Ultra Fatality


    I Forgot why i came here again 0_o
  2. i know they had to be done within the character have no idea how or who does so yeah total bust sadly :(
  3. awe ok my site is just showing things mainly i dont know how to make it into a forum anyway
  4. and then you go and make another beast edit to it you bastard i want an awesome sig :(
  5. This more of an is this possible question then asking for help so mods can move this topic later if they feel they need to but anywho i want to know how do u make to in one life bars for example like in KI when one is gone the other one comes up or in DBZ fighters the ps2 ones how it guess from white to blue to green etc. i want to make an custom lifebar if possible so it looks like one bar but its actually counting to sorry its a bit hard for me to explain but if you guys understand and know how to do it then could any of you help a brother out if so............. That'd be Great
  6. Dayum this looks like its going to be fun to play with
  7. Yeah cant wait for Tekken 7 but anywho im just sitting here waiting for Capcom to wow me with this characters alone wont do it they may show something big this years E3 most likely and by the way im loving the hell out of your sig man Liu and ryu look beast
  8. no hate intended but i feel no hype for this game yet :(
  9. ok good to know i'll keep working on an update when i can
  10. Damn now this looks promising can't wait to play
  11. Ultra Fatality


    And I'll be your host everyone ^_^
  12. Ultra Fatality


    Yes its when you grab your DIUGH and BEAT THE LIVING HELL OUT OF IT, Thank you ^_^
  13. Ultra Fatality


    No more fapping................. .
  14. Ultra Fatality


    See my new friend agrees with me ^_^
  15. Ultra Fatality


    Ahhh what a relief
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