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Everything posted by Staubhold

  1. Uhhh nicey! Looks good! Some very quick feedback... - can cancel jumping x into itself - pal. issues... some get hits p.e. of the brown pal are still green...
  2. Oh yeah, you have to resize the big portraits. They are too big...
  3. Can´t wait to see that happen and I´m willing to give you feedback...
  4. Yep... Tried it with firefox and the good ol´ explorer... There is nothing...
  5. Very nice, can see some Namco X Capcom & Project X Zone intro scenes (love those games) - and you used Subarashiki Shin Sekai/Brave New World!! GREAT!
  6. Really nice looking... One suggestion. Don´t play her voice on every single attack she has. She has three "battle" screams and it can get very "annoying" if you hear them every time you attack with her. Either use those three more randomly (NOT the same one on every light/middle/hard attack) or better, use/find more fitting voices...
  7. Good update! Love the blood effect! Looks like the nomusic AssertSpecial is not working properly. BG music starts way to soon in the intro (you can still hear the Shinobi intro music, but the stage music already kicks in) and it´s NOT working in his KO animation. Win is working fine...
  8. Is this ... "thing" ... really from Megaman?
  9. It´s Yoshimitsu´s stage from Tekken 2 (from the SNES pirate game). You can find it here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/every-stage-tekken-2-122100.0.html Use the first link with all stages download, the single stage downloads are all offline AFAIK...
  10. Again, add a AssertSpecial with flag = nomusic to the intro, win & ko animation. The intro/win/ko music is so low, you can´t hear it in his own stage...
  11. WOW, you´re fast... Good update! Maybe use MK blood sprites? It´s not all about "source accuracy" (p.e. can´t rip the blood from the source game, use a fitting substitute instead). It´s good the way you made it.
  12. Maybe it has something to do with that low clsn on his leg while jumping... Try it, sometimes I can´t jump WITH Shinobi over Shinobi... Stand clsn needs a little work on the head... Maybe you can position p2 in the Ultimate Technique of Ninjutsu hyper that he get´s hit by the end of the sword and not so near to the hilt. How about adding some Shinobi X blood effect? NERDGASM... If I remember correct, Shinobi had a double jump in the Mega Drive games (hitting jump twice), and he would do that rolling animation after the normal jump in that games... Dunno how it was in Shinobi X. Just sayin´... XD IMO Shadow Dancer after images have to look "more solid", this "blue" doesn´t fit. Dunno how and if he had that move in Shinobi X and I can´t remember how it looked in those Mega Drive games... I really enjoy how much passion and work I can see in your creations! Keep up the good work!
  13. Again, nice one... Didn´t had much time to test, but... - normal jump is way too low, make him jump higher... Why not use that great rolling animation in his jump, like you used for the air Shurikens? Animation looks so smooth in the source game...
  14. Dunno, can´t find anything fishy...
  15. Really nice... Some feedback: - Maybe you should change the KFM attack sounds (attack? Not hit sounds, but the "wind" sound after each attack...) and use something 8 bit like... - Turtle Helper should vanish/die after FBFB get´s ko´ed
  16. It´s "just" a stage, no bonus game, right? If it´s just a stage, how the hell can I see the action?
  17. Yeah! Everything else is nice looking, but that tree...
  18. Has nobody really tested that stage? Has a stage bound issue! (You can infinite in the corners cause the player get stuck at the edges, projectiles get stuck in the corner and don´t fly past the screen). Stage is uneven, ideally the boundleft/boundright should be equal. This is so both sides have the same distance to cover till they corner their opponent. Change: leftbound = -250 rightbound = 250 to leftbound = -1000rightbound = 1000 Now we have the problem that the players can go off the wrestling mat, it doesn´t look good... We have to change the boundleft/boundright to solve that problem and make the stage even... Change from: boundleft = -170boundright = 160 to boundleft = -120boundright = 120 That´s it, now you have a "good" version of that stage...
  19. If you need any tester, I´m up or it!
  20. Very nice! Add some movement and sounds to the Boos. It´s not very clear to see In the Weegee intro that the Boo is afraid of Weegee! Can´t see Luigis "Negative Zone" dance that good in the vid, maybe because of the "Negative Zone" bubble effect... Maybe you should use another lightflash effect... Dosn´t look too good IMO. ...and yeah, use the "Poltergust 3000" vacuum cleaner as a special, suckin´ p2 nearer and maybe suck p2 into the cleaner and then "spit" p2 out like SF4 Seth in his Ultra 1 Tanden Stream...
  21. It´s all about quality, not quantity, brotha!
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