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Posts posted by Zaibatsu

  1. Quick test video.




    Maybe you should add blink gauge, you know... like how much time you have before you blink.


    Oh god! The minute I blink the sculpture kills me! I think maybe the legs should look like the sculpture is standing sideways. It looks like his legs/waist area are standing like he is looking at the screen. This is just my opinion you don't need to listen to it if you don't want to.


    At least your sculpture looks cooler than this abomination.

    Posted Image

  2. I think Sakurai meant something like this Mario, Pikachu, Kirby, Fox, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Samus, Link, Pit,and, Megaman Are on both Wiiu and 3DS version. Where Villager and Wii Fit Trainer Are not on the 3DS version. I guess that's what Nintendo confirmed at E3 last year. They said something like cross compatibility (not wiiu version vs 3ds version) similar to Mario Tennis and Mario Golf Where you can use portable characters from the GameBoy versions. http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_Golf_%28Game_Boy_Color%29#Non-Playable_Characters <Link to Mario Golf similar information.

    That's exactly what I was telling people on the Super Smash Bros Miiverse page. For those who don't understand, the WIIU version will have DIFFERENT characters then the 3DS one because the games react with each other like Pokémon Battle Revolution or like Mario Tennis. This doesn't mean Mario and company is not the 3DS. (Excluding Villager and Wii Fit Trainer. Possibly WIIU exclusives)


    I think I heard somewhere (not entirely sure.) that Sakurai was going to let players use WIIU characters on 3DS (cross interaction) for the whole "play on the go" type of thing. Sakurai didn't want to make it difficult for players to not enjoy the game.

  3. My mains I use in arcade and survival mode.


    M. Bison by P.O.T.S.

    Snow by SeanAtlly

    Marisa by Kohaku

    Kohaku by Kohaku

    Donkey Kong By Aperson98

    Aokiji Kuzan by NBA01

    Kizaru by NBA01

    Rotom by GarchompMatt

    Zemial by sepher

    Seiya by Duracelleur


    1.Videos must be jokes, parodies and random funny/odd stuff (it can be any video besides video games). no official game or movie trailers or anything. (funny/odd official game or movie cutscenes are fine!)

    2. Light explicit stuff! keep it clean! (No bodyparts showing please.)

    3. No major racist stuff. (Example Nazis)

    4. 1 funny cat video per page. (There are too many already)

    5. No pony videos (I don't hate Bronies I just don't like the nonsense.)



  5. First off change those sprites of Captain Melonhead into something better like a PNG. Get rid of those white lines and maybe work a little more harder on the animations, they seem like they can use some more frames I don't know what else to tell you about your work in progress.


    Posted Image :Somebody swinging a poll like weapon should look something like this.

  6. Posted Image

    Lol. Reminds me of the Soul Edge or something from the "toon" Zelda games.

    That is just a straight up badass Pokémon right there. I hope Pokémon X and Y adds a headless knight armor or a shield for a double battle partner. It's Ghost and Steel type? Then it's probably has levitate as an ability to avoid ground attacks. :troll:

    @Kanbei, Seriously? 4Kids or whoever is in charge of making the Pokémon cartoon create something original! why the hell is Ass Ketchup wearing Red's hat? Is the Pokémon cartoon company trying to confuse it's fans? The manga comics and the cartoon are completely unrelated.

  7. Yeah I'm getting a PS4 I'll throw a pity party for whomever is dumb enough to buy an Xbox One. I already heard from GameStop that PS4 preorders are outranking Xbox One. I can tell you this about owning a Sony console I'll be glad to play Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends again.

  8. For me this is not KI at all, doesn't have that KI feeling.

    I agree Microsoft fucked up Killer Instinct for us (The long time veteran players/fans). I think I find that utter bullshit about Microsoft is that they have the rights to Rare right? Why didn't Microsoft use Rare's same development team that gave us that same Killer Instinct masterpiece like Rare did in the past? Microsoft is so full of crap up to there eyebrows and to top it all off with a cherry on top, Microsoft has to have an arrogant developer who erases feedback comments on the Xbox YouTube Channel and has to be one of those idiots believing the whole "this is gonna sell thing"


    I found out Microsoft desperately bought a license for Kingdom hearts lll to get some of those fans that like Kingdom Hearts but didn't own a PlayStation console but loved the KH series to buy a Xbox One to play KH lll, So people thinking Square Enix is a sellout think again this isn't Square Enix's fault it's Microsoft's fault and failure. 


    PS4 = One

    Xbox One = Zero

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