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Posts posted by Zaibatsu

  1. I think the Pokémon Wii U game is the Pokémon Stadium 3 or a Pokémon Coliseum game we were all waiting for. I can tell by the video it ain't no fighting game. No fighting game has those type of camera angles in the first place. I dunno I could be wrong.

  2. Omega looks great! Judging by your shenron you made I hope he's good. testing him right now.

    *EDIT* I just tested him

    +Sprites look awesome.

    +Gameplay is a lot better than expected.

    +Effects look great.

    +Damage is decent and fair amount.

    +AI is fair.

    -There's an infinite Flamethrower glitch that the AI performs.

    -Omega is kinda slow maybe a little bit of a speed increase?

    -Omega jumps very slowly.


    I think that is all I the feedback I can provide for you. Omega is DEFINETLEY a keeper for a MUGEN player like me. and I am alos a big fan of Omega.

  3. Oh yes I remember thanks. :awesome

    I said their are other characters that maybe on the works corresponding to Teaf's art work:


    Teaf (Tifu):

    Posted Image



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    Posted Image

    So we may expect more characters from him in the future. :goodmood:

    (Personally It be cool If he makes Elthia . She be an interesting Character in mugen :=D: )

    I love the Harpies! I can't wait for the other Harpy character. Tifu and Tephanis looks like boys are they? or are they a tomboy?

  4. Okay not to sound like an asshole but these are all bad choices for characters, I mean King boo? Hammer Bro? The Primids? Why? Cuz some thought these can be playable characters, come on people there are better characters then this. Saki? Issac? Waluigi? Takamaru? I got some right there.



    Rosalina and Daisy are good choices imo becuase daisy should have been playable back in melee.


    Oh and look noobs being retarded


    Reggie? HELL No! I would have loved to see Miyamoto instead. Aside from that stupidity. I would love to see.






    Pokémon Trainer


    Toon Link

    Zero Suit Samus



    Sonic (To save Sakurai from crazy Sonic fans death threats)


    Mario (duh! already confirmed)





    Pit (duh! already confirmed)

    Fox (duh! already confirmed)


    Pikachu (duh! already confirmed)

    Link (duh! already confirmed)



    Power Suit Samus (duh! already confirmed)

    Donkey Kong (duh! already confirmed)

    Bowser (duh! already confirmed)

    Kirby (duh! already confirmed)

    King Dedede


    Ice Climbers Captain Olimar (duh! already confirmed)

    Mr. Game and Watch




    Diddy Kong

    Captain Falcon




    Megaman (duh! already confirmed)

    Villager (duh! already confirmed)

    Wii Fit Trainer (duh! already confirmed)

    Takamaru (Nazo No Murasamejou and Nintendoland)

    Saki Amamiya

    Dillon (Dillon's Rollin desert)


    Little Mac


    Zael (The Last Story)

    Aeron (Pandora's Tower)

    Shulk (Xenoblade)

    King K Rool


    Mewtwo - Awakend form 


  5. In my own opinion Earthbound gets too much praise then it deserves. it's not even affordable on the Wii U's Virtual Console. Why is it $10.99? other classics are $6.99 or $5.99, I mean seriously WTF? why $10.99 for a classic? it's not even worth that much as a cartridge it's only $2.99 where I live. The best Earthbound I played is the one with Ninten in it. Ness' appearance in the Super Smash Brothers series is what made Earthbound overrated in the first place.

  6. esnips was the last place i did have him at and since we cant do nothing on esnips no more sadly he cant be found he wasnt all that good either but iam sure someone might have him ask phantom blood if not him there is one other guy who has almost everything from what pb told me if you do get him let me know

    Okay, too bad Esnips' website died, It makes me sad to hear that Crypto was a crappy character.

  7. It's about time someone made some decent BattleToads characters for MUGEN besides Buckus I'm not saying Buckus is bad or anything. I'm glad to see Zitz and Pimple will be converted to MUGEN. Pimple is my favorite BattleToad.

  8. Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.

    That's way old news pal, I used to act like that back when I started making characters for M.U.G.E.N. in 2007? or 2008? plus I was new to M.U.G.E.N. and I didn't know how to understand criticism that well because I was a young teenage idiot. I thought the people giving me feedback were flaming/trolling me. But one kind fellow by the name of Arpa pen pointed my errors and he even lead me to tutorials, collisions and such. Ryon helped out too I kept reading his tutorials and I can say I have improved (I'm not perfect! but I improved!)  I just wish some people at MFG would let go of that ugly past and give me some damn feedback on my releases. I mean come on, some MFG users said I was immature and an Idiot.


    The point here is if you claim everyone is a badguy your going to make it a lot worse for you than it already is Wlan.

  9. Added Big Portrait:

    Posted Image



    Also, I'm wondering whether I should release him or not, because he seems complete to me.

    I suggest maybe releasing SCP-173 as a beta release so that way more feedbackers can give you more options for your character. I think I gave you the best of my own feedback to SCP-173. You can always ask Alexei or Ryon for help too.

  10. Waitwaht? He released "it" without fixing ANY of the issues I found while givin´ him feedback? *facepalm*

    You expect WalanmaniaX to listen to feedback? Feh! he! he! he! Kanbei gave him 3 pages, Yes! 3 pages of feedback at MFG about fixing his helpers and WalanmaniaX doesn't listen to any of it. WalanmaniaX thinks your "bullying" him when your trying to help the poor sap. Ugh... kids these days and their crappy M.U.G.E.N. creations am I right?

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