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Private Mucho

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Status Updates posted by Private Mucho

  1. Today in "Quotes that a smart, but edgy individual might say":

    I don't seek to be loved. In fact, love makes me sick.

  2. "I see you've been very crative in your Level Design."

  3. Got a head of fiery hair and fiery personality!

    1. RMaster007


      And a turbo-charged backpack.

      (I'm sorry)

    2. Gaulbetti


      Did I ever mention the time I had once thought of making a Kirby sound mod for Brawl where all his clips are segments from that show's theme (Season 1)?


      ...He would have had the whipcrack and "Didn't see that coming." as hurt sounds as well.

    3. Gaulbetti
  4. Fox Items, Final only, No Destination.

    1. CarmenRider


      I thought No Destination was banned from tournament play, also Final is too OP.

  5. Report from the Intelligence Department: Mugen Multiverse seems to have ceased to exist.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Yes. It's even named spider lantern.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      I don't know, I can't access it through http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/ anymore.

    4. YochiIsC00lest333


      Actually, you're going to its outdated link, so here's new link to MUGEN Multiverse:
      Since they're moved from fanbb to forumotion, old link ceased to exist.

  6. All these people praising Ultra Instince Shaggy as the strongest person in the Universe, when there's a person even stronger than him! Who it is, you might ask? Simple! It's Turnabout Phoenix Wright!

  7. I just noticed Pitfall series was made by Activision. And since Activision merged with Blizzard, I just have to say it...


    Pitfall Harry Jr. for Heroes of the Storm!

    1. Darkflare


      That's.....not how it works.

    2. jenngra505


      I think that was supposed to be a joke Darkflare.

    3. Darkflare


      Oh, it's supposed to be a joke? Well in that case...



  8. I may be a (slightly)patriot of Spain, but G is going to be a President of the World, so G is my favorite now!

  9. What's with that new meme trend starring Sugma, Ligma, Sugandese and Updog? :meh:

    1. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      How should I know? I've seen it before once, but could never understand the meaning of it.

    2. Mister Fael
  10. Imagine if M.U.G.E.N had an AI Training program similar to Killer Instinct's Shadow Training!

  11. I wonder, how equally matched are Prophets(Halo), or however these aliens are called, against Locusts(Gears).

  12. "Many mistake our Lances for Spears, but in fact, they're just Rapiers! A really big Rapiers!" - Any Knight in Shining Armor

  13. In a search of games of my past, I'm still struggling to find a PSX version of "Spot Goes to Hollywood"... That has music.

  14. Space Stone(Marvel) has two forms: One we all know and usually see, and a Tesseract one.

  15. When originally western game gets Japanese localization:


    English(Original): With this Crystal, I will have enough power for my Beam Cannon!

    Japanese: Powah Stone desu, Rezah Kyanon wa subarashi dengen!


    Like, "Powah Stone" and "Rezah Kyanon" are totally japanese words, right?

    1. RicePigeon


      More than likely using katakana, which is reserved almost exclusively for foreign names and loanwords that have no direct japanese translation.

    2. Kazagami


      implying that the japanese isnt allowed to use english words, lol

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Wasn't saying that... :endlesswait:

  16. What's with people hating MvCI's new Level 3 Hyper Moves even if they do look actually better than old UMvC3's ones? (I'm looking at Captain America's Final Justice vs Unyielding Justice as an example)

    1. Noside


      I don't mind level 3 hypers, the thing that really sucks is the copy-paste roster from UMVC3.

  17. Congraturation! You Sucsess!

  18. Whip, despite her having a whip, is clearly a close-range fighter.


    Cutsman's here! You better flex your muscles and brace your knuckles, because you can't outrun the shear speed of his spin cutter!

  20. "Put your faith in the light!" - Tirion

    "The light has betrayed me!" - Anduin

    *Turns into shadowreaper and kills Tirion*

  21. HbbhwXy.png


    Obligatory random fabulous young boy from Mid East!


    Still not that good at detailing, though...

  22. What's in my mind?


    I got Sonic 3 Final Boss Theme stuck in my mind... Except it's remixed with Saxophone under the Moon notes.

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