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Private Mucho

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Status Updates posted by Private Mucho

  1. If a food themed game had difficulty levels, thye would be named like:



    Medium Rare

    Hard Boiled

    Coke Milk

  2. Ah, the classic triangle: Fighter -> Darksider -> Psyche -> Fighter

  3. Three manlets walk into a bar. The fourth one ducks.

  4. "Thou haft more mysteries than Sinnoh dwellow!"

  5. Battling my way through Fighting EX Layer's Arcade Mode. Then I face Garuda, and hear his stage, Ocean Cave's theme. Ummmm, am I playing Fighting EX Layer, or Spark the Electric Jester?


    The fact that AI in Fighting EX Layer would act EXACTLY like some Arcade Platformer boss only makes the resemblance worse.

  6. If Mewtwo had Custom Specials:


    Neutral Special 2: Vacuum Ball

    Doesn't travel far, but draws adversaries and projectiles in.

    Neutral Special 3: Lingering Ball

    Shadow Ball instead obrits around you. Does less damage.

    Side Special 2: Telekinesis*

    If this move hits, you're free to move a projectile or adversary as you desire.

    Side Special 3: Hex*

    Doesn't spin, but deals bonus damage to enemies with status effect. Try it with Glare or Heal Block!

    Up Special 2: Phantom Force

    Trigger shadow explosion at your teleport location. Takes longer to teleport and recover.

    Up Special 3: Powerport

    Teleports you farther, but leaves you open to attack.

    Down Special 2: Glare*

    Make eye contact to curse the last special move they've used.

    Down Special 3: Heal Block

    Turns the healing of your adversaries into damage. Doesn't need eye contact.


    *1 - Note that Mewtwo will be frozen in place(or slowly fall down if used mid-air) while you control whatever you hit.

    *2 - Shrinking, Slow-Mo(Timer or Witch Time), and Mewtwo's two custom Down Specials. This version of Side Special doesn't reflect projectiles.

    *3 - If they try to use it again, they will be stunned or spiked, as if they were hit by Deku Nut. Lasts 15 seconds, but hitting Mewtwo shortens the timer. Heal Block also lasts 15 seconds and subject to shortening.

  7. "Tell me, Dracula, do you bleed?"

    "How can you be such a fool? I regenerate too fast to bleed."

    "Not if I apply some silver to you."

    1. Noside


      What if Dracula turns into a Bat and flies away?

  8. They gutted Me First from Sword/Shield. No more Me First Accelgors!

    1. Noside


      I've heard that a ton of Pokemons are missing, especially from the 1st generation.

  9. That one fateful Sigma broadcast

    "I've come to make an announcement, Zero's a hoe-butt motherducker! He sliced my ducking secretary! That's right, he took his green zed-duckin'-saber out and he sliced my ducking secretary, and he said his saber was "this big," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Light.com: Zero, you've got a small saber, It's the size of Megaman's normal buster shot, except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my sword looks like: that's right baby, tall points, green glow, thick laser-blade — look at that, it looks like two spikes and a glowstick. He ducked my secretary, so guess what, I'm gonna duck the EARTH. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER GENMU!! Except I'm not gonna slice the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'm slicing THE MOON! How do you like that, Maverick Hunters? I SLICED THE MOON, YOU IDIOTS! You have twenty-three hours before the sword beeeeeeeeeeeeeams hit the ducking Earth, now get outta my ducking sight, before I slice you too!"

  10. No wonder why Dexit happened, look at all that shit happening in Galar!

  11. The Virgin gently opening the door

    The someCHAD

  12.  - I don't like Kirby...

     - You what?!

     - I mean, the design wasn't good, among other things. Bubsy, on the other hand...

     - Don't you dare-...

     - But I don't say I like Bubsy so much...

     - Oh...

     - He's just a close second to my boy Tingle!

     - !!!

  13. It's called "Street Fighter", because majority of the fights are happening in the open, highly populated place(not necessarily a street).

  14. Toad 1: Why Mario was crowned as the man with the best vertical mobility when Luigi literally got better?

    Toad 2: Luigi has got a better horizontal mobility, not vertical!

  15. What do you get when you give a Witch a power over sand? A lame pun.

    1. Kazagami


      she'll probably be busy shaking all that sand off her vegeta

    2. Noside



    3. Valgallah
  16. "Fight for The Front and freedom. Move on.", but it's not Macil saying that, but Hong Kong revolutionist.

  17. Haven't you heard already? Joe has recently caught Ligma in the Updog Station!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      That Ligma joke is really getting old after Fortnite

    3. Gaulbetti






    4. SSBKing65✯
  18. T-800 does what he does best: Shooty shooty things.

  19. Ash(of Pokemon fame) died and was revived so many times that he has lost the concept of aging. Honestly, that's the only logical conclusion I see as to why he's always age 10.

    1. Jewel men10

      Jewel men10

      dying and reviving like Kenny

    2. Noside


      I find more fun to watch the very 1st Pokemon anime series than the new ones.

    3. Astolfo2001


      The Pokemon anime sure has aged poorly and it seems like they are running out of ideas at this point.

  20. You feel the presence of many...

    "At last! We are now Complete! We suppose we must thank you for the contribution! Your reward shall be appropriate!"

  21. The Sun, and stars like it, has a gravitational field that is possible 100 times sronger than Earth's. Then, there's Blue Stars with possibly even stronger gravitational field. Then, there's Giant Stars which are even stronger and may also be Blue. But the strongest gravitational field belongs to Black Holes, their field so strong, even light cannot leave it's presence. Therefore, a question arises: Are Black Holes basically Stars?

  22. Terry is going to represent SNK in Smash?

    Meh... I still think Ralf would have translated better into Platform Fighting genre...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Ralf is an Ikari Warrior, and a fellow one with Clark.

      And Ikari Warriors were a game back in NES.

      In regards of Platformish stuff, Ralf can use Ralf Kick and Blitzkrieg Punch(his divepunch) as his recovery, and back in '98 he could use his divepunch on the ground, in the same way Incineroar uses his Cross Chop.

    3. Noside


      Welp, blame Sakurai for this one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    4. mulambo


      according to that, then every character who has an uppercut/jumping attack is deserving of being in smash... it's the directors who decide who to include, and they decide, I guess, according to the number of fans some chars have, so they can reach such "target" (probably one day they will add Virtua Fighter or DOA chars too)... honestly I had enough of such crossovers. They need to make new series, new franchises, new games. Old chars need a vacation. Tbh, kids deserve something else, concepts which are made for this Age, not concepts from an older age dressed to fit this Age (it's embarassing as seeing an old dude something cool). Also the storyline: don't they get old, like the Simpsons?

  23. "It's just UNDERTALE, but anagrammed!" - Some Boomer(Is that how we call them lately?) about DELTARUNE

    1. Gaulbetti


      Yeah that's the whole joke of the game. Could have sworn it was common knowledge.


      If it even qualifies as one.

    2. RicePigeon


      The bigger joke, according to Toby Fox himself, is that development on Deltarune started years before he started working on Undertale, so which one is really the spin-off here?

    3. bigshot69321
  24. Snake apparently has infinite mobility in platforming genre. Should I inform Spark the Electric Jester about that?

  25. Arceus: I am the creator of the Pokémon World. As such, I am the Almighty Being!

    Mewtwo: Hold my Psypipe, while I choose the form to Mega Evolve into!

    Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre: Ummmmm, we two want to talk to Arceus first...


    Ultra Necrozma: Ahhhhh, Arceus… I've travelled across dimensions too see so-called "The Almighty Creator"... Yet, hmmmm… It seems that your powers are not so impressive as it was said...

    Arceus: ...

    1. RicePigeon


      Bidoof: Ya'll ain't got shit on me

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho


      Dude, Bidoof is an unevolved version of Bibarel, with a BST of 250. Even when it evolves, it still got a BST of 410. Which is nothing compared to the Almighty 720 BST, or even Beyond-This-Universe 780 BST. In terms of BST, it's Bidoof that ain't got shit on 'em.

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