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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Status Replies posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. All aboard the Brave Frontier x King Of Fighters hype train!

  2. Remember the mugen elitist years? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


  3. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

  4. So i just saw a seafood commercial of "Mariscos el rey" (Seafood of the king) that plays Senbonzakura (Violin Version)

  5. RAGING STORM!! i swear to god those pretzel imputs are a pain although SNK were always about that stuff lol like the desperation moves from Art Of Fighting those were hard

  6. RAGING STORM!! i swear to god those pretzel imputs are a pain although SNK were always about that stuff lol like the desperation moves from Art Of Fighting those were hard

  7. RAGING STORM!! i swear to god those pretzel imputs are a pain although SNK were always about that stuff lol like the desperation moves from Art Of Fighting those were hard

  8. NOTE: This post talks about touchy subjects, but I personally respect everyone. I'll be honest I'm very nervous as I type this, mainly because I'm afraid of being bashed, the last thing I want to do is cause trouble, and if any of this angers or offends you, I'm sorry. This is just something I wanted to share.


    Nobody should be mistreated because of their beliefs, race, or sexual preferences, I personally don't believe in being bias or discriminating others, everyone is different, and that's all that matters. I blame myself for what happened even though my cousin doesn't, but some people just what to jump on the bias bandwagon and take a trip to the discrimination dump.


    What happened:


    Last night I got a phone call from my cousin, she was wanting to hang out with me today. I was surprised as she usually works 7 days a week and has a very hard time getting a day off. Well, like some people I go to church on Sunday's(this is what I was afraid to be bashed over), of course she does too, when she can that is, we both grew up in a Christian family, but neither one of us or the rest of mine or her side of the family are the crazy fanatic type. My family has always been a big melting pot of different people consisting of Christians, Atheists, and gays, thankfully theirs no wedge driven between any of us and we all get along just fine, she herself is a lesbian, has been for 4 years. When she came out my biggest fear was she was going to be disowned, her parents were shocked, but they made it crystal clear that they will love her no matter what, but I'm rambling, moving on. She wanted to go to the church I go to, but when we got their it was closed as they are currently adding a second floor onto the building, so it is currently unknown when it will be opened again. So we just went to a random church just for the sake of attending and this is where it gets ugly. The preacher wouldn't let her in because of the obvious, he didn't even ask he just assumed she was a lesbian because of her hair length. I made it clear that if my cousin can't come in I won't either. To which he responded he wasn't going to let me in anyway, because I'm a false believer. I said how am I a false believer? He said a true believer would never associate themselves with that thing, he even quoted the all too often abused verse from Leviticus. Naturally, I retorted and said "Do unto others as you would have them do to you" (or if you prefer something more secular "Treat others the way you like to be treated"). "The only one fake here is you". After that I took my cousin home, where we blew off steam playing Mortal Kombat, (another reason why I'm considered a fake, I like violent video games) she assured me that she doesn't hold me responsible for what happened, and thanked me for defending her, I still feel awful about the whole incident though. I'm honestly thinking about not attending church anymore because of this, while still keeping my own beliefs.

    So....yeah, theirs that incident. 

    Again, I'm sorry if I've offended anyone, so regardless of who you are I respect you, I may not know you personally but if I did, I would treat you no different then a member of my own family, I personally think of everyone here as a family.


  9. I want to give Sonic Boom to the Pope.

  10. Can somebody explain to me how did Borewood dramatically went from a completely normal bloke to a lousy and whiny crybaby? I'm still confused about the fact that he tried to take down RicePigeon's MediaFire for no reason

  11. Did you guys like my new sig?

    Man, i'm really enjoying Overwatch and as you see, my favorite one is Reaper.

  12. Madison Ivy is my number one waifu.

  13. im so fucking exited for Samurai Jacks return its gonna be so fucking lit and apparently its rated M it can only be more awesome i really hope adult swim dont screw this up

  14. When you're watching 2 kids fighting each other in the comments section on YouTube and suddenly one of them starts harassing you for no reason :



  15. leviticus 18:22

    Never have sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.


    Genesis 9:13

    13I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth. 14Whenever I form clouds over the earth, a rainbow will appear in the clouds. 15Then I will remember my promise to you and every living animal. Never again will water become a flood to destroy all life.

  16. My reaction to everything this past and following week, 


  17. leviticus 18:22

    Never have sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination.


    Genesis 9:13

    13I will put my rainbow in the clouds to be a sign of my promise to the earth. 14Whenever I form clouds over the earth, a rainbow will appear in the clouds. 15Then I will remember my promise to you and every living animal. Never again will water become a flood to destroy all life.

  18. kinda hyped to play as Balrog in street fighter 5 his stage and his theme both got more epic lol 

  19. kinda hyped to play as Balrog in street fighter 5 his stage and his theme both got more epic lol 

  20. A moment of silence to all of the WIP characters/stages that never got released last year and the past 6 months (and I mean the projects that aren't currently ongoing and hasn't gotten any update progress...if that makes any sense which it most likely doesn't).

  21. Dragon Ball Super Episode 49 was awesome! I just can't wait to see Episode 50! Goku vs. Black!

  22. Dragon Ball Super Episode 49 was awesome! I just can't wait to see Episode 50! Goku vs. Black!

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