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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Status Replies posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. So, Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan has been renamed as Super Saiyan Blue...hm...not creative at all but at least it sound better than the previous SSGSS long ass name.

  2. I can't understand all the hype over Life is Strange. It's like a mushy, girly, Lifetime soap opera about some small town chick. I couldn't get past 15 mins of it. IDK. Maybe somethings wrong with me.

  3. A mere monkey can never defeat a lion


  4. if you attack people just because they like something you don't like/don't' like something you like then you might need some help

  5. if you attack people just because they like something you don't like/don't' like something you like then you might need some help

  6. Holy Shit! Mr. Satan just transform to Super Saiyan! Now all we need is the God of Annihilation Yamcha! XD!!!!

  7. When Atheists won't leave you alone about your beliefs, and won't stop bringing religion up. And this is when you try to make it clear "Believe what you wanna believe, let me believe what I believe, live and live, leave others alone." Where to go when they won't leave you alone?....

  8. Gohan finally become Super Saiyan 4...and Super 17 now can absorbed Android 18 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL1cW1TV2sA

  9. Who need Goku when we can have Mr. Satan!!!

  10. People still fight over Goku vs Superman. But nobody just answers the question, bruh. It depends on WHICH Goku and WHICH Superman. Superman prime can beat any Goku except SSJG. New Superman is about as strong and fast as SSJ3. Compare how fast they can move and how much they can lift.

    Superman prime would smash any Goku except SSJG, then he's fighting somebody who's stronger, faster and a way better fighter. He'd get god bodied in about a minute. Even if he can hit harder or faster, he's fighting somebody who can stomp somebody stronger and faster, because they have better training.

    New Superman would have a hard fight with SSJ3. Boxing vs Kung Fu, Boxing wins most of the time. But Goku can box too. So it would come down to them both boxing each other in the air. Goku is a better fighter, and is waaaaaaay older (hes like 10,000 years old or something bc of king kai and all that heaven stuff), so it would come down to experience and whoever got the first and hardest hit first. It could go either way, but Id give it to the dude with more experience.

    So there it is.

  11. People still fight over Goku vs Superman. But nobody just answers the question, bruh. It depends on WHICH Goku and WHICH Superman. Superman prime can beat any Goku except SSJG. New Superman is about as strong and fast as SSJ3. Compare how fast they can move and how much they can lift.

    Superman prime would smash any Goku except SSJG, then he's fighting somebody who's stronger, faster and a way better fighter. He'd get god bodied in about a minute. Even if he can hit harder or faster, he's fighting somebody who can stomp somebody stronger and faster, because they have better training.

    New Superman would have a hard fight with SSJ3. Boxing vs Kung Fu, Boxing wins most of the time. But Goku can box too. So it would come down to them both boxing each other in the air. Goku is a better fighter, and is waaaaaaay older (hes like 10,000 years old or something bc of king kai and all that heaven stuff), so it would come down to experience and whoever got the first and hardest hit first. It could go either way, but Id give it to the dude with more experience.

    So there it is.

  12. DBS episode 12 show God Goku clashing fist with Beerus causing the shockwave that can destroy universe. Rhymstyle just instantly go apeshit and bubbling Goku can beat Superman now...the fanboygasm is strong with this one.

  13. My cat, whom had went missing some three months ago, turned up alive. But he has a broken rib and some fractured hind legs. I can't afford a vet, and I believe that the only possible reason for his condition is some redneck asshole kicked him for enjoyment. When I find said asshole, I'll show him what  a void filled with anger and 10+ years of self-taught martial arts can do.

    It can kill someone.

  14. Trunks uses an iPhone because he hates Androids.

  15. Yo besides God, sundays are good again, No work, Fear the walking dead and the Strain muthafucka's plus all this NFL action. I love Sundays!!!!!!!!! +1 for Sunday!

  16. Yo besides God, sundays are good again, No work, Fear the walking dead and the Strain muthafucka's plus all this NFL action. I love Sundays!!!!!!!!! +1 for Sunday!

  17. Neutral Slide Jump + Invincibility, Slide Spin, Glitched High Jump, TNT Abuse, Death Tornado Abuse!

  18. I know I will probably get some anger for this one but I have to say it. Destiny sucks and that lame ass commercial for the Taken King expansion is flexing like this game is awesome. It is not awesome and half that shit you can't even emulate. This is worst than the Madden 16 commercial. Fuck you Gronk! Spiking the football is not awesome either. Everyone Does that. Fuck those commercials. 

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