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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. Head straight for your goal by any means...

    1. Doomguy


      **Que me beating the living shit out of every single person along the way**

  2. Their effort will be wasted...

  3. Even if they were completely out of your control?
  4. If you made a mistake that you deeply regret ever doing, would you let the public know about it?
  5. It's useless to resist...

    1. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      You? A ninja?! There is no way...

    2. Solarflared


      what is that from and how is it relevant to this post

      EDIT: apparently it's a Tekken thing, lol

  6. So you're saying you'll accept anything, even if it's not safe for work, if the public agrees you should add it to the list? Sounds really flawed, if I must say.
  7. I know what support set I'm picking the next time I fight Shadow Mewtwo.
  8. The thing is, someone could easily just code the move back in since the sprites are already there. If they're still in the character, then why are you bothering to put them up? Didn't you have something against vore characters like everyone else on this site?
  9. That begs the question: Are they adding DLC? Also, you'll miss out on Shadow Mewtwo.
  10. I managed to time out against Shadow Mewtwo on the first two attempts I've had so far. How about them apples?
  11. But things are still unchanged...

  12. Everybody tries to be straight...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RicePigeon


      1950s boner = mistake

      2016 boner = lel benis

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Is it wrong that i find this amusing?

    4. Solarflared


      When it's out of context, yes.
      The innuendos are real.

  13. Carol Tea's Sushi Hyper.
    What the fuck just happened?

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Even better if you K.O the opponent with it. I ran into it while filming an everybody hates x video.

    2. Solarflared


      It's the exact same.

      ...oh wait you mean if it ends the match.
      Well apparently that happens if you get a perfect too for some reason.

    3. Gaulbetti


      Alright, alright, I'll download her and see it... I have to see what type of attack cause that reaction...

  14. Suggestion for the "blah blah are you done?" intro. Have his other ones play out like normal, but if Saitama's coding recognizes that it's still roundstate = 1 instead of roundstate = 2 after a certain period of time, he goes straight to said "blah blah are you done?" intro.
  15. Shouldn't this go into Releases, or am I missing something here?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovfz1Zf4Q5U
  17. If anyone asks, yes, that's my Jigglypuff. This was recorded back in January/February or something, though.
  18. Aside from both revealing Pokkén Tournament's release date and showing off a new Kirby game, the most recent Nintendo Direct was pretty underwhelming.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Solarflared


      If Etika doesn't eat his nuts before that day comes.

    3. Galvatron


      Maybe they going to show more games for the NX when Nintendo showcase about it in the next E3. :-P

    4. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      i am still waiting for that etikaworldnetwork nutsack sandwich video

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