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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. "Holy crap, look at my ass! Looks better than ever!" - Scout, after being teleported into Overwatch in Pubbing With The Scout!
  2. It's just personal opinion. I just think that shotocario is getting a bit stale as of late.
  3. Lucario (Pokémon). Why? Most, if not all Lucario are Shotoclones. HAVE SOME VARIETY, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
  4. Pay and ergonomic seating,
    Pay and ergonomic seating,
    Give us favors such as these!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      He's the goalkeeper.

    3. Solarflared



      Are goalkeepers allowed to catch with their hands? I'm not sure since I barely know shit about soccer

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      This however, is more questionable


  6. Except he's not promoting the game. He dodges questions asking what game it is.
  7. So Kirby: Planet Robobot comes out on friday.
    I expect spoilers are going to be at an all time high, so please don't ruin it for me, Okay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      The only spoilers I like are the ones I can use to pimp my sweet ride.

    3. Sweetfire13


      Why on earth are you worried about spoilers for a kirby game

    4. Solarflared


      Because I want to get the game. I haven't really been playing much Kirby games lately, so that's why.
      If I didn't want to get Kirby: Planet Robobot, I wouldn't mind the spoilers.

  8. So what do you think we should do? Spread the word in order to get them to see the light?
  9. If they're melee attacks, then wouldn't counter-based ReversalDefs affect them?
  10. I don't think everyone else here thinks showing of M.U.G.E.N fights without letting peeps know that it IS M.U.G.E.N is a good thing.
  11. He got those views because apparently he's trying to pass it off as something unrelated to M.U.G.E.N.
  12. To be fair, I didn't even know they existed until this thread opened up. That, and apparently they added a super transformation to my Shadow.
  13. For some reason the left character reminds me of ν-13.
  14. So the forum itself isn't the problem, it's the service provider? Then how come they banned you for something positive, then?
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