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Everything posted by Solarflared

  1. "No, those are 'Squalls', and no one likes those."
    ~Abridged!Cloud, Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged

  2. If I recall, this character may have been posted in august, so... Sceptile by Jetgoshi & Dylanius9000 - 1
  3. If I can get an update out, I'll be sure to address those problems.
  4. 1: Eh, she and Squirtle might still have a chance to reunite with Charizard. 2: I'm pretty sure Sceptile didn't appear in a game with Pokéspeak in it, but if they did, maybe the voices weren't ripped yet.
  5. Technically Solar Beam's part of a level 3 hyper (Solar Leaf Storm) and not a special move.
  6. Wait a second...Kuu's a shoto? AND it has a shirikodama-grabbing throw? I thought only japanese human beings had shirikodama stuffed up their rear end, not gigantic reptiles with a tree for a tail! Also, isn't shirikodama removal fatal or something? Ugh....Keep the conversation to about Sceptile, not Kuu.... >-< Aaanyway, I'm glad you like Sceptile. Also, hate to break it to ya, but the Pokéball item prevents Zoroark from competing. Sceptile may still have a chance as a Smash Ballot winner, though.
  7. Oops. My mistake. Quick Attack DOES have a bit of recovery time...At least, on the ground. In the air, it depends on the vertical height.
  8. "comes out really quickly" means startup time, not recovery time.
  9. Oh, and not to mention a move that always has priority over the opponent, comes out really quickly, and has an easy command to use would be pretty overpowered.
  10. If it makes you feel better, one of the move's inspirations (The aforementioned Ash's Germinal Caprice) moves across the screen quickly during it's active frames. Quick Attack is air usable, though.
  11. 1: Oh yeaaah...forgot about that. my bad ^-^ 2: Doesn't Ash Crimson have a charge move that works like that? It even uses the same command (Though he can't use it in the air).
  12. Yeaaaah, the Sceptile's gender is currently ambiguous, so the "character version" stuff from the database isn't the cause of the gender-neutral pronouns.
  13. 1: I probably should pay more attention to the hitsparks then. 2: Huh. And I thought its Dragon Tail was "safe as all balls" as Matt said on the thread on that other forum. 3: I don't know why the hitspark is in its mouth during Solar Leaf Storm, honestly. I was TRYING to make it go towards the opponent, but that's just the projectile's work. 4: The enemy has a "misaligned" blue hitbox under the stage as they're flying, so that it connects with the "misaligned" hitbox on Sceptile's tree missile. 5: ...Okay, so I admit it. I went a little bit overkill in trying to protect Jetgoshi's character.
  14. 1: Wait that's not supposed to happen. 2: It, John. Not "him", "it". 3: Huh. I didn't see that. 4: Matt pointed that out already, didn't he? No need to repeat stuff. 5: It's as if I can predict a "Rice N Pals use an UU Pokémon" video coming right around the corner...
  15. 1: I locked the thread because of rudeness. 2: oshi-i forgot that the x pos existed didn't i 3: I must have forgotten that as well. 4: Funny. I thought I fixed the debug flood problem. Eh, you can't always be perfect. 5: I don't seem to find Seed Bomb's explosions THAT big.
  16. Afraid? I'm not afraid of vore edits, to be honest. I'm actually indifferent to the matter myself It's just that my partner, Jetgoshi, isn't okay with them, unlike me, and I'm trying my best to respect his wishes. 1: Neither me or Jetgoshi could be bothered with getting clips from the anime, sadly, so that was all I had to work with. 2: Eh, at least I tried.
  17. 1: That was Jetgoshi's idea, but still. I am deeply concerned about the safety of this character. 2: Eh...it might take a while.
  18. 1: Wait, I thought this thread was the releases section! 2: I don't know how to do that on this fourm. Sorry ^-^
  19. Well then. Seeing as it's Jetgoshi's birth/hatch/construction day, we both agreed to go ahead and release our new Sceptile character today. Here, have a video. You can get it over at the Jetgoshi M.U.G.E.N Project, but only as long as you respect our wishes for this character.
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