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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Everything posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Also lack of time from outside activities. sleep. work and just life issues getting me side tracked with progressing with the character i may be working on...sprites arent really an issue since i sprite edit the few things i need anyway....
  2. What life bars are you using there? is that out somewhere or its private?
  3. Finally watching world war Z....they fucked this movie up i see lol somebody need to reboot it again so it can suit the novel.... eh i already knew it was bad from the trailers though
  4. -The main thing for me these days is my back up lap top. my main one finally died on me some months back so that crippled my creating speed. Im still creating two new characters currently but since my old back up lap top is bad, old, slow. very little memory to download FX software and a busted fan that overheats at times and cuts off my pc (putting me at high risk to lose unsaved work) i cant create as fast as i was before. funny thing is now that ive gotten better at coding to move faster im in a shitty pc situation with horrible horrible speed now smdh -Coding AI with no issues later. I hate when i see dumb shit happening in my character i dont like. so i may spend weeks or hours just fixing it....the worse ones are illusive isolated bugs. it wont appear versus all characters but the scattered few it will and its always somebody finding it assuming you wanted it in there for dumb reasons lol smfh -Game play issues. these days in a certain secret 3rd character im working on its a lil rough getting his signature custom state triggers to work right entirely. im getting it more and more but looking at the source i can see i have my work cut out for me and i cant release it if the main core part of him isn't done right....
  5. 1) nah no set style. my own mix of different console based features and ideas of my own.... 2) Yes. Im always mixing. Things ive seen on console or something i thought would be cool to use from my own idea or possibly something cool i seen in another creator's character and just add my lil spin on it. 3) No. its too much of a headache for me to edit another creator's character. If i do an edit its private and for fun for myself or a friend. Most ill do with editing stuff a sound effect. A visual effect and a slight sprite edit for movements i need. But..hmm then again yeah it is technically an edit of source game material since im using the sprites and not stuff of my own like Diepod creates in Original spriting designs if thats what you mean. 4) AI? Aggressive combat style. Decent enough where it just doesnt sit there doing nothing. i try to aim for that as much as possible. AI is tricky at times to code. different methods to run by so im always learning better ways to code AI for a particular character im creating... 5) Both winmugen & 1.0 mugen. i dont mind coding for winmugen first and then patch for 1.0 after. its my project so thats never an issue to me. Programs? i use all 3 for different reasons but i main classic FF for coding stuff more so.
  6. Must have this game....i really hope everything thats shown in the video happens in game to go to planet to planet like that. I always wanted a game like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu3yLOwKu7I
  7. I Love this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taQ3Rjm7k-U
  8. Currently ive been playing Ultra SSF4 & JoJos Bizarre Adventure (just brought it today). love em both so far. So what have you been playing?
  9. Yeah Ive been on man down status with the internet for a while. That plus things are starting to get busy for me again with work
  10. ._. what? Youre such a horrible man....just horrible. dont speakith any bad things as this again
  11. yeah it would count. if you ask me Capcom took some tips from loganair n crew who made em lol
  12. well...to continue favorite movies.. Kill bill 1 & 2 Dusk till dawn... watched those last night on netflix. still very intertaining
  13. Hmm space dandy is actually cool. Im diggin the soundtrack. im checking it out on Adult swim. i fell off with this channel i see. I shoulda figured id like it since my creators of cowboy beebop did it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JokerintheButt
    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Word?! I need to that out.

    4. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      yeah check it out. i only seen one episode but im curious about the others now. It has its lil 'ED" of cowboy beep bop silly moments but i want to see how serious it gets. The music score on point. Haha its like maybe Daft punk had a lil hand in putting together the music at times

  14. Cool release there man. Ya gettin into Snes stage rips? i got some ideas for ya heh heh. I hope you do more from that game. I think there was a cool factory stage in that game with water in the backdrop i liked
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