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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Everything posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. Stay strong man. life is much more important. Get well...
  2. Really appreciate if i can get a hold of this character^^
  3. That shit looks pretty hot so far on the concept^^ needs perfection but nice idea!
  4. Ya just gotta love Splatter house mode Rick, Hulk smash mode Tyrese & MGS (metal gear solid) Carol! LOL Bad ass season premiere today of TWD!!

  5. haha yeah at that point i was a bit tired from partying late at a friends birthday party but that woke me up a bit when we ran into him just walking around....been there since 9 am....till after 4 pm. we were all tired and hungry but still hella happy. No way you can say you didnt have fun at comic con....too much shit to see or buy. If you visit NYC around that time next time lando you should link up with us....We usually get our tickets hella early in August.
  6. Me and The last dragon Bruce Leroy at comic con today. Very cool humble dude.
  7. I always wanted that stage. that was an oldie made by EX shadow right? Could you hit me with that stage?
  8. Gotham TV series first episode was pretty cool so far..i hope i can stay into the rest of the episodes

    1. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i gotta go grab it since i miss'd it last night, but i look forward to seein'how this series develops.

      meanwhile, i'm geek'd about tha next ep of SoA tonight!

  9. yep. welcome to the club skorp.I have the same damn issue daily depending on how big or just how high res the screen pack or stages are so yeah its your pc bro. Its about time brotha smdh that memory is going and your pc is old^^ Im currently saving for a new one now....so annoying going that shit so i already know what youre experiencing
  10. The exact same one here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqe3_6XHSUA#t=66
  11. haha the bad AI shouldnt stop you from using her to play as especially if you already like the game play^^ Would you rather that character just be all AI and locked from human control is what you are saying?
  12. Home from work relaxing. long day. too bad i dont do the greenie green anymore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhBMntUekA4
  13. Godzilla 2014 (On blu ray) for the first time... very cool movie to me....i thought it would be worse
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