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Everything posted by OskeinO

  1. I'm shocked no one mentioned golden sun 1 and 2 I would buy that a stat on my Wii U if it ever got remade love that rpg!!!
  2. Kat from gravity rush would make a nice addition or even dlc
  3. ive been looking for those for the longest thanks
  4. now kirby just needs to spam hi 24/7 lol gonna try him out tonight
  5. I only have my wii modded so if ya ever wanna play brawl or last story lemme know i had the same issue on my 2009 ps3 way back glad my slim won't do that again.
  6. i only just started playing tales of graces recently XD pretty fun i thought it was gonna be boring. get the real ending in peace walker it will shock you hopefully lol cause i was surprised at that.
  7. [Preview] Yoriko Last Battle Mildred Fiona Kira Lieselotte Lilica Meifang Maori Konoha Kamui Saki Heart Front School Alternative ED Version [Download] http://www.mediafire...5fhak9uhcqtb7mm [Comment] These are by Choiya for those that don't know his work. his stages are good but his athena i don't like lol. figured i just put them all in a pack for yall. enjoy! The last one i added in as a bonus since this was edited by someone else. has more animation. however the author didn't put the hi res in the def file to make it work so to do that you must put "hires = 1" after resetbg in the .def file of the stage. it'll look like [stageInfo] zoffset = 210 autoturn = 1 resetBG = 1 Hires = 1 I know most of you guys know about I'm just putting it there for those that don't anywho enjoy.
  8. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?kdxmttjwcoq [Comment] One of my favorite levels of all time
  9. crap someone do me a favor laharl or phantom just delete the 2nd one beneath this post i accidentally reposted this
  10. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire...o6a4gjh4fn4llho [Comment] One of mugen Masonry stages. something i had a long time ago in my older forum i use to be at. figured i share it. :) Enjoy!
  11. i always got lost on which way to do it XD
  12. OskeinO


    [Preview] [Download] http://forum.mugen-i...?topic=148758.0 [Alternate-Download] http://www.mediafire...fkzkkv78ola72kp [Patch] http://www.mediafire...7c04nj5t89lm55q [Comment] Freakin love Garuda on the street fighter ex plus alpha and ex series. hes for 1.0 Winmugen but i don't know if he's on regular mugen author wasn't clear on that.
  13. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire...v1ca6gatcmvycha[ Alternate-Download] http://infiniteff.fo...infinite-hinata [Comment] newest Hinata from rivals schools I've seen up to date only wish there was more of them. would love to see a Hyo and Hideo edit.
  14. just hearing donkey squeal when he gets attacked was just too funny. childhood days
  15. coulda sworn i posted this long ago.
  16. (o . o) why!? did you get lost in the story you should still play its still fun!
  17. Budokai 3 is still and will be the best DBZ game to me at least its perfect in every way.
  18. And people still think COD series is a hot game pfft lol Metal Gear all day!! best part about this is that its continuing from peace walker so for those that haven't played that part yet i advise you to play it. big boss is old but still a beast. glad kojima realized its not metal gear without sneaking with snake. http://youtu.be/24JNJgib8m0
  19. Just beat Kindom Hearts 3DS On my first try in Proud mode very good but I'm only mad that now i unlocked crtitcal mode. D: Riku has some of the most cheapest bosses seriously.

    1. Pershon


      I fucking ENVY YOU

  20. this was the mvc i owned in because the only cheap character to me in that game was Thanos now i gotta play UMVC3 like I'm playing blazblue in a sense.
  21. really.... really capcom.. it takes yall that long to bring this back
  22. one piece is freakin hilarious i just could never get into the games. this one looks fun as i love dynasty warriors.
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