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Everything posted by OskeinO

  1. doesn't really matter at least he showed a vid of what mega ryu does whether he wins or loses in the vid all i would say is just find a vid with good audio http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  2. This game is gonna be freakin crazy and I know people were complaining about the whole parasite crap in the other ones but thats gone now. welcome back to raccoon city. the only thing i could say is that it lost its too scary to play factor. This is suppose to go all the way to resident evil 2 and 3. what I like about multiplayer is that monster and zombies appear to give you a hard time if you wanna win then again RE5 had that as well. Heroes Mode Multiplayer Gameplay Campaign Gameplay Trpile Impact Trailer
  3. well if you saw the new one comming out spring that may change your mind Jimp
  4. i played this at my friends house the other day i was shocked that scryed was in there seriously cause he was never in a game. its ok my only regret is that i can't read jap text. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png
  5. beat this in 4 days wasn't hard and shorter than monster hunter really didn't get attached to this one cause unlike the orginal one i played from japan that was online while this didn't hopefully the next one will have it.
  6. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mugenarok.com.br/ [Comment] By Fervicante. the char is from RIval Schools Project Justice for those that know this game back in the day. good old dreamcast. Was kinda waiting on this for a while now. seems like the author wanted to give this char a KOF feel to it though she's a capcom character.
  7. never seen those chars before. her stance reminds me of eddie from tekken XD its comming out nicely i don't mind the face pace hits i'd rather play against her or play as her that way.
  8. Black chaosIf yall have a PSN account post it here I'll add yall up and put in the listing. Put your name that your know as on mugen and your psn. I'll start with me. OskeinO - x_NERO-Z-STORM_x ArtistofLegacy - ArtistofLegacy Zoukiny - yetobefound ReigiOzora18 - Saki_17 TheYukiKonata- TBagofDoom Ultimecia : UltimeciaFFB Ryon - Ryon87 Black chaos - Black1chaos kyblackflame - kyblackflame D.B.S Revive - DaBlackScourge tohnoshiki - Shikix23 Brucelee41126 - Brucelee41126 Hadoabuser - Hadoabuser Laharl - Almighty_Laharl raremew - raremew Zoukiny - yetobefound MrSteve81 - mrsteve81 D.B.S Revive-DaBlackScourge LunarDash - NDogg45 Vegaz_Parrelli - Vegaz_Parrelli DeimonDevilbat - YagamiBrando Vash - roboshinken Hollowlife - hollowlife69 Peppy Hare - Aceman1234 Randomattackninja - captain_casualty MarkPachi - VikingofTheSouth Tetsu The Hidden Rain - Anata_Teme_Tetsu Lorenzo The Comic - Sukezaemon32 NeoGeoKitsune - NeoGeoKitsune KoFXIIIMugen - Fernaum Darkflare - DarkflareEX Blizzard Buffalo Tediz_Ozito Ultra Fatality -Anata_Teme_Tetsu Squirtle - SquirtleChamp dncelestinx96 - ViBeZ8282
  9. lol weegee would make any char like wtf
  10. when are you on your 3ds ryon? cuz ive been meaning to play ya in some mercenaries or SSFiv
  11. Ima a beast in that game that one seems more easier to play than ultimate mvc3 no matter what. Batsu ftw http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  12. if someone ever made a lighting from FF13 i would be happy but that char would have to have everything and not a sucky char design. like for that Nero char for example came out good now just need more moves.
  13. [Preview] [Download] http://www.infinitym...ment%20Park.rar Carnival BGM http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W2C4TUCP Carnival BGM Remix (By Wizzy) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YZKH0KYI [Comment] By jafar has animation but it wasn't fully finished yet least theres a version of this stage finally made
  14. not bad would like to use that but unfortunately i can't play dfo for the time being till i get a laptop cuz it lags hard!
  15. this kyo is pretty good but feels basic to me
  16. i watched whole series didn't know they had dub and that ova was weird lol
  17. aww that sucks http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png
  18. i remember there was a guy who made shadow agent that also had some TvC lifebars but never made them in for mugen cuz he didn't have time to. if i see it again ill post it in here.
  19. I finally have time to download this! XD
  20. utsuho can be so annoying with that laser cannon
  21. one of ma favs from yoda http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  22. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?wli33g4yx6nqila [Comment] Beastly Kim edit by Eros.
  23. Chilling like always need a char ask me :D

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