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Everything posted by Zio

  1. so when's ssf2t dictator? do you think you can unleash the horrors of mkt noob saibot into mugen? what's your favourite boss character you made for mugen? have you ever played mortal kombat special forces? if so what did you think of it?
  2. Zio


    i am disgusted by the name of this thread. pantyshots aren't that great you guys.
  3. i dont' know why but little mac's hair makes me laugh. at least the sprites look okay. (i'm getting so much hate for this aren't i?)
  4. Zio


    what are you smoking medic?
  5. Zio


    it's just a box....
  6. Zio


    yeah why were you following kanako you ass.
  7. Zio


    yes. you get it now. 2hu memes are bad.
  8. i'm looking for this yuuka. anyone have her?
  9. since a certain big green reminded me that beppu existed i feel the need to say that you shouldn't label characters things they are clearly not (though to be fair that's common sense)

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Like Kong's "MvC2" characters.

    2. Zio


      more like kong's ANYTHING really

    3. Cook4251
  10. beppu's characters are complete trash. people who think they are good haven't played the source games. so there.
  11. Zio


    cirno? pffft there's only yuugi and koa in my mind.
  12. man the melty blood and metroid crossover is weirder than i imagined
  13. you know thinking about it. tanya kinda looks like alice from virtue's last reward

  14. - super star throw gives back power that's all i have for now.
  15. Zio


    somehow this makes tewi a better character
  16. Zio


    still better than tewi
  17. why is yuugi the most buff 2hu ever? (and therefore the best) will lie meiling ever be as overpowered as mkt noob saibot?
  18. Zio


    coco why do you have to be so god damn rude
  19. this is far greater than it should be. GET IT NOW.
  20. so when are we getting super warrior god super warrior 3 goku?

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      We never even got Super Duper Saiyan :c

    2. Cayne


      When crack becomes downloadable

  21. Zio


    no. how about you stop making such awful posts instead?
  22. Zio


    this is a very old pic that i found. it's just people are trying to be funny when they fail.
  23. Zio


    it lives. IT FUCKING LIVES.
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