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Everything posted by Zio

  1. what if it's all a trick and he's releasing something different
  2. now this is something. gonna grab this now.
  3. missingno is something i tell ya.
  4. Zio


    mephisto it's bad form to use your father's name without his knowledge
  5. a daily reminder to put effort in your creations and try not to have the "ME FIRST!" mindset.

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Removing the ME in ME FIRST could also be relevant.

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      If only I could explain that to Dan_Hibiki. Since he never done a character yet. He once said he works on his super secret character... ALONE. I don't even want to think how much terrible it would turn out.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      The one on YouTube? That's me, only I have no underscore.

  6. i'm getting back into vidoe making. so have this series that i hope to consistently have updated
  7. Zio


    is there a yandereplane?
  8. Zio


    seeing skylanders talk makes me wanna puke. fuck that franchise
  9. Zio


    i wouldn't mind johnny bravo in a shining force game
  10. Zio


    golden axe and shining force confirmed to be in the same universe
  11. melv made things that aren't alter amiba or ghetto warmachine you know. anywho aside from the knife super giving power back it's pretty great. get it
  12. to be fair omega i don't think anybody cares about the aggressor thing anyway. (especially when you're noob saibot like god damn) anywho. have you ever played battle monsters? if so who's your favourite character?
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