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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Because as time goes on, a year becomes a smaller fraction of your life.
  2. I don't know if my eyes are deceiving me, but it feels like everytime I go into the collection, the images are different.
  3. I think there was another Athena Heidern made by Mast Chen. Also of note that DMG has a NSFW image in her sprite file.
  4. Adding to what Jenngra said, the sixth palette crashes MUGEN.
  5. TL;DR what Laharl said about the character in a status update long ago was correct. I also feel that character is too striker based.
  6. Big Green


    Rule #10: If your character doesn't get a desired reaction from your forum, make a thread that basically says "this forum sucks lol" and head to another one. Rinse, lather, repeat.
  7. Just got Neo Geo Battle Colosseum and another GameCube controller so nobody will rib me for using my wireless MadCatz controller.


    Also, about the place where I got the latter...



    There were porn DVDs and magazines in a cabinet for sale. The store had other stuff, though. 


    1. Noside


      Oh man, I just got hit by the nostalgia train, NGBC is a wonderful fighting game with legendary fighters, I love it! and this is one of my favorite theme's from the game, a chill goes to my spine when I start listening to the electric guitar playing at 0:50, those were the days......



  8. I don't know how kids can make these kinds of videos with a straight face.
  9. "Woof!?" - Luigi, Adventures of Mario and Luigi Episode 1
  10. Super Sonic and Tails by Ssonic: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=9ca1174d16dfd63a&id=9CA1174D16DFD63A%213926&ithint=folder,&authkey=!AMqXYXdNChu28zE Txpot also made Metal Sonic, and Dark Chaos released a new SvK version of Sonic.

  12. Ravioli Ravioli *insert something random*oli - Me, as of late.


    I especially dig LITten.

    1. Scrombo


      Rowlet master race

  14. Nope. Three basic buttons and a single button grab. I guess they're still fun enough to play with.
  15. *cue Kim Kaphwan suplexing Donald Trump while a distorted full blast version of Seoul Road plays*

  16. I have a little idea. Would it be a decent idea to make winquote patches for characters?

    1. Gaulbetti


      ...They're easy enough to make yourself as is. You just put them in the .cns...

    2. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      Just make lists of winquotes, put them in the winquote format and post them on some thread.

  17. "Well you see, Luigi. When a Paisano puts his spaghetti doodle in a Mama-Mia's ravioli, a little bambino covered in prosciutto comes out about 9 months later." - Mario, Adventures of Mario and Luigi Episode 1
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