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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Don't forget to post images when you release something. I did this for you in this case.
  2. Whenever I edit one of my collections, I often remove links, but when I do this, it resets the font size back to 14pt.
  3. Well made. I especially like the high quality voice rips.
  4. "Darn you Kaka Carrot-Cake. You am no real super sand." - Virginia
  5. Just got a PS1 memory card. Now I can properly play PS1 games on my PS2! Which game should I get first...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Dino Crisis is another good survival horror series as well.

    3. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Dino Crisis 1 and 2, Resident Evil 1,2,3, Code Veronica X, Castlevania anything, Final Fantasy 9, and there's a Japanese survival horror with ghosts and monsters and a yeti, thats a good one too.

    4. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      Tekken 3 is good also yeah Resident evil is awesome anyone of the first 3 would be my recommendation 

  6. I didn't really find vol. 3 that bad (at least as a show, but the carnage in-show was miserable). That being said, the attempt to bring JNPR into the spotlight felt kinda shoehorned. I don't have huge hopes for vol. 4 because of this, but also due to how depressing it might be. And let's not forget how much I hate Jaune. He's constantly built as an important character, but if he was removed, not much would change (only Phyrra and Ruby would only be slightly affected). I hope he dies in the vol. 4 premire. That would shake crap up. >:)
  7. Zelgadis made an Iori based off 96. There's also a 94 Ralf, which is close enough I guess.
  8. About time. I NEED THIS. Yamazaki's one of my 98 mains (alongside Terry, Robert, and some others).
  9. Happy Bdayy!

    1. gui0007


      Thanks bruh! :)

  10. I guess I'll work on that now. EDIT: It seems like a new challenger did so already.
  11. Ey dere new mods, what's good?
  12. I think all you need to do is switch the localcoords.
  13. Just have one more collection left to fix, and then I'm set...
  14. In light of the MA issue, have you gotten around to fixing the MA links?
  15. Just finished fixing the KOF 2000 and 2001 collections. All I have left are the (renamed) 98 and 2003 collections.
  16. I use speedyshare for the same reasons you do.
  17. I might be very late, but in light of recent events, homophobia is bad, regardless of who or what told you otherwise.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      @Galvatron Same here, on a side note, guess who may be planning to picket the club were the incident just happened?


      Link >:-(

    3. Big Green

      Big Green



      Although one of the Phelps kids is campaigning for gay rights up in Canada.


      Oh and @White Ranger, I was indeed referring to Trump.

    4. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      @Susie I thought so, he's no better then Hillary, like I said empty promises either way >:-(


      I'm usually extremely difficult to anger/offend, but every time I hear something that has to do with WBC, SJW, or someone who threatens my friends and family(both here and locally), as well as tarnishing mine or their beliefs, that's when I tend to lose it. The stuff that WBC does really hits home with me because I have cousins who are gay, but I love them as if they were my own brother or sister, and I have actually had people tell me that I shouldn't interact with or even care for them because of my own beliefs. 



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