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Big Green

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Status Updates posted by Big Green

  1. I distinctly remember catching one of my classmates looking at inflation porn in grade 9. :{

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DuckMannnn


      I remember back at 5th grade, while we're changing our clothes to do swimming class, most of the boys fapped for 10 mins saying that it's a cool thing before going to swim

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      I also saw some guy watching porn on his birthday on one of the school computers in Grade 10.


      I've also heard stories on Reddit of people setting school wallpapers to certain infamous shock images.

    4. DuckMannnn


      I remember when few months ago some 6th graders watched porn on the school PC for many times

      One day they got called up by the principal and had a 4h detention on Saturday

  2. Hah! What's amusing is that your birthday is the same day as the premiere of the first (original) Mobile Suit Gundam episode! Happs to the the Births, bruh.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael


      I was also born on the same year as the KOF Series (94)

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I was born the same year as the NESTS saga.

    3. Solarflared


      I think for me it was either 98 or 99.

  3. Happy Birthday Zio and axelelgamer!

  4. Should I go about making an Undertale collection? There seems to be a sudden influx of stuff coming out.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      I actually made a joke character relating to the game, but yeah, it'd be good for people looking for Undertale content. Especially with that Papyrus being made by 4thRhyme.



  6. Played some good KOF 2002 with some guy today. I'd say my Yuri, Billy, Yamazaki team is nifty.


    Imagine if the Freett closing thing was an april fools joke. That would suuuuuuuck.

  7. 'Sup blue text guy? Have a good one.

  8. Whelp, today is a day that I thought would never come. I finally learned Kyo's Wicked Chew chains and stuff.


    Also, regarding my previous statement about SF characters in MvC2, I figured that pants was a bit of a stretch for some of the characters, although Chun-Li (nerfed from MvC1) and Dan (do I have to explain?) still kinda fit the bill.


    Also, dem ice storms.

  9. Why does every Street Fighter character that isn't named Dhalsim have to be pants in MvC2? The tables were equal in the first one!

    1. Zio


      because mvc2 is dumb

  10. Tumblr drinking game: Take a sip every time you see the word "disgusting". Have an ambulance on speed dial.

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      or the word "cancer"

      Oh wait, cancer is a youtube thing.

    2. Raiu


      I just tried this with my Tumblr, and I got to page 20 without seeing a single "disgusting" (or variant - I was looking for just "disgust").  Try following different people. :D


  12. So Gotenks Z2 was revealed. Not really digging the voice, but looks epic otherwise.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      I hate their voices. They act like its all uber and shit, but it sounds like fans doing bad impressions.

  13. Today is Terry Bogard's birthday!


    (and so is Sakura and R.Mika's...)

    1. Dan
    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic




    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      People haven't come over in several years...That was the last man and he's dead now.

    2. ExtremmeFan
  15. I managed to get an account on KnowYourMeme.

  16. So KOF 2003 has no strong attack command... Odd.

    1. Solarflared


      You mean the CD?

      If so, wow. I never knew that.

    2. Ryon


      Wasnt it changed to something like Forward+C or Forward+D

  17. Figured I could wish you a good one before its too late. Happy Birthday.

    1. sonikun


      Happy birthday, mate. 

  18. Anyone know where I can find good images to use for the KOF 2001 collection in .png format with all the fighters in one good pack/spritesheet?

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Just noticed that the NESTS and hero teams were missing. Close but no cigar. Thanks for sharing concern, though.

  19. HEY!


    I think you're really cool!


    I like you a lot!


    Maybe we can hang out, or something.


    On a more serious note:



    1. NijikakuFan61




      i loved lord sinistro's characters so much...

  20. Gonna make a couple creator's collections for certain creators at Jam's Mugen House, as some of them use freett download links.

  21. On Saturday I got Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the Xbox, and I spent much of the weekend grinding to unlock the characters I had no idea I had to unlock. I was happy about getting Ken, but Charlie is my next target. After that, I'll look for Bison or one of the two Iron Man clones.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      My favorite fighter next to SFV

    2. Noside


      Ah those were the days... I remember playing MVC2 on the Dreamcast. ♪ I wanna take you for a ride! ♫ *dances* :=D:

  22. http://www.twitch.tv/zickang


    My friend is in a twitch stream. Tune in for stuff!

  23. Nothing says fun and suspenseful like using a random team in KOF.

    1. Galvatron


      Yep! especially when you have over 50 characters to choose from. :-)

    2. Dan


      Random select is pretty cool in some KOF games (Team changes every match)

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