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Big Green

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Status Updates posted by Big Green

  1. Restarted work on an old collection:


  2. eh b0ss.


    Would I be able to update some old collections?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kazagami


      Mighty fine by me.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green



      So how would I go about doing so? Is there an edit button I'm missing out on?

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      Should be good to go.

  3. Aw yis.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Link had a cameo as a fighter in that game, I should get it one day, Mario & Peach also made cameos as characters in a basketball & snowboarding game as well, they looked so out of place.

    3. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      By far the best version of the game, it's a shame Namco couldn't get Nintendo's permission to put him in the online remake.

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      That would have required a Wii U port, knowing Nintendo.

  4. You casual fricks don't know real pain when you accidentaly attempt EoSD at 300 FPS (or at least in the triple digits).

    1. Doomguy


      You don't know real pain until you've been stabbed.

      I have scars to prove it.

    2. StrongestPotato


      You casual fricks don't know real pain 

      You casual fricks




    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Don't make me lose my marbles...

  5. Seems I got the ModeratorCP. Also, the text box for the forum isn't working for me.

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Talk about the phrase: "You had one job". Man, that's messed up. That's kinda creepy sorta XD

    2. jenngra505


      Now this is a story all about how my face got flipped, turned upside down.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Even he knows they screwed up his mask.

  6. School's starting on Tuesday for me, and I'm not sure if I'm more exited or worried.

  7. I'm a lucky dog.




    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      AWW YEAH, That's cool man :)

  8. From my haul downtown, I got a Logitech controller, Kirby Triple Deluxe, and a N64 expansion pack. I also got to play on the MvC, MvC2, and SFA3 cabinets.

  9. I found a used game joint near my house that I hadn't known about earlier. Only problem is that it's also a vape joint.

  10. How can my Dad be so adamant about playing Pokemon Go and Mario Kart when he can't pronounce either of them right?

  11. How can my Dad be so adamant about playing Pokemon Go and Mario Kart when he can't pronounce either of them right?

  12. How can my Dad be so adamant about playing Pokemon Go and Mario Kart when he can't pronounce either of them right?

  13. How can my Dad be so adamant about playing Pokemon Go and Mario Kart when he can't pronounce either of them right?

  14. I'm literally losing sleep over how I left my copy of Melee (only the disc) over at friends house for almost 4 weeks... HOPE i CAN RETRIEVE IT.

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Hold it together, man. You can get through this trauma.

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      I will... My heart is starting to fail.

  15. TIL the Xbox version of MvC2 is one of the more gimped versions of the game. I though only the PS2 version was gimped, but oh well. At least I know what game I'll want if I somehow get a Dreamcast.

  16. Just screwed MvC2's A.I.

  17. Just broke the A.I in KOF '98.

  18. To pass time until the archival of every thread, I'm making a alternate .snd file for Ash by Ikaruga.

  19. Is it my imagination or is there more Status Updates on this very home page?

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Your perception of reality is what you should be relying on, not the deceptiveness of one's own mind.


      tl;dr, yeah, RMH said that he increased the number from 5 to 10.


  21. In case you were wondering why I was absent from your livestream last night, I was out doing some errands. I did get a Caramilk bar out of it.


    P.S: 420 content count...

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