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Artoria Alter

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Status Updates posted by Artoria Alter

  1. why isn't this real? Actually kinda reminds me of the time people made a bunch of FFXI characters in MUGEN too.
  2. http://imgur.com/a/XKwJ4#0 does anyone remember this? I feel even more of it will happen soon.
    1. Doomguy


      What is this, I don't even.

  3. smoke akarin everyday
  4. Beowulf is best Skullgirl.

  5. Twitch is extremely buggy on my end it seems. Doesn't wanna load channels at all. Just has the gray screen error, and did everything I can to fix it...

  6. Still pretty damn hard to find people to put into trance. Omegle is too much of a crapshoot.

  7. So hard to find people willing to be hypnotized...

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