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Alchemist of Atlas

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Everything posted by Alchemist of Atlas

  1. Reposting my post from the Guild. Comments on bold. What Nitris said, plus I'd add some stuff to this. - No 2003/XI version of Sonic Slaughter? (and should be DC'd) In the case you don't add the 2003/XI version of Sonic Slaughter, at least allow base Sonic Slaughter to also be DC'd as a tradeoff. - While Boomerang Shot can be super canceled, doesn't show the Super Cancel message. - Speaking of Boomerang Shot... Weak version does 128 damage, which is ok. But why strong version jumps right to 208 damage? That's too much damage for a special that is not a special command throw. If anything, you should drop the damage around 150. - Close weak kick should have a slightly lesser pushdown, to ensure she can kick twice. - Also, since this is a mix from XI and 2k2UM, personal preference, but give her the walking speed she has in XI when performing String shots. While you need to polish those details with her, I can tell for a fact you're doing a good job with Whip. She needs some damage scaling as well, but outside those details, you're on the right path with her.
  2. Recorded the match, gonna upload it later. For now though... Enjoy this. <.<
  3. Still practicing with Venom. Still not good enough at Guilty Gear. e.e

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hellzone


      you'll get better

    3. sonikun


      Don't worry. You aren't the only one that's bad at guilty gear.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i play my man Chip and Sol all day

  4. Will I get paid if I kill the Twilight couple of anime/manga?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Alchemist of Atlas

      Alchemist of Atlas

      Flare... Asuna's family can't be as wealthy as Karin, Akiha, Mitsuru, Yukiko, Saki and Elisabeth combined, is it? e_e;

    3. Darkflare


      Well no. But like I explained to you already.

      But if I betray my contractors, then word is going to get out that I can simply be bought off by someone who pays higher. And that's not a good reputation to have in the mercenary business.

      And I must think about what's best for business.

    4. Alchemist of Atlas

      Alchemist of Atlas

      But... you're not Haitch. <.<

  5. Have you even played DFC to even judge? Also, don't compare MB with DFC. They're way different than you think they are.
  6. MBAACC Normal Akiha/P. Ciel, upgrade to MBAA chars to CC version. And dunno what else.
  7. I hate to break your bubble, guys, but... Incredibly easy infinites, by repeating the same moves over and over (all on the corner, but that won't matter since WRS can take you to the corner easily. Level 3 Super is pretty much overkill (does much more than just 100% damage). Some attacks have infinite priority. A shame, since WRS looked promising. :(
  8. Alchemist of Atlas


    That's what eroges are for.
  9. Do non-fighting game origin char count, riiiiiight? 1.- Sion Eltnam Atlasia/V. Sion (Melty Blood) 2.- Len (Melty Blood) 3.- Whip (KOF) 4.- Kyoudou Senna (BBB) 5.- Amagi Yukiko (P4A)
  10. Oh, goodie. Now, let's wait for someone to AIP her. No point for me to beat a dead horse.
  11. Taking advantage someone revived this topic.. Females over males. However, there are 3 franchises where this rule is void for me. MK: Male characters are more interesting. GG: No exciting woman in GG. Period. Ironically my favorite character from GG is gay. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, of course. JJBA and alike: Too macho for me.
  12. Pretty much Loganir updated Electro. I see he improved.
  13. Not yet. Kisaragi Ryuuto's site has his chars up again, though.
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