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Alchemist of Atlas

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Everything posted by Alchemist of Atlas

  1. Because, graphic showcase serves better for feedback.
  2. And now, one step forward to end with the Degree arc. <.>

  3. Alchemist of Atlas


    Because at least, you must specify what the gif means. e_e Also, Such a "beautiful" material we have here, riiiite?
  4. Doesn't harm, but Japaneses authors sometimes take their own stuff down at the request of some companies, then, the restriction is lifted later on. Their works will come back, don't worry.
  5. Take in count DBFC is being ported to the Western Hemisphere in the Summer.
  6. Alchemist of Atlas


    Good for you to be proud of your work, but those who brag a lot are the first to bite the dust. Feel proud of your work if you want to, but be a bit more humble about it.
  7. Because there's a new video and... shameless self advertising. e.e
  8. Because Kirito needs to leanr to not mess with Akiha. <.<
  9. After further analysis, I have to say Tatsuya assist was heavily buffed by Rakurai. According to a friend of mine who actually owns and plays the game on a regular basis, Tatsuya's counter assist has some limits. It can only stop one hit from a projectile, Rakurai's can negate ANY kind of projectile, regardless of how many times it hits (strangely enough, Tatsuya can't negate projectiles from Omegapsycho's MK chars.), and not only that. Tatsuya's counter can also negate ANY kind of throw (normal or special/super) and even can stop LA, other counters and even full screen moves. My reaction... :/
  10. Me dealing with Miyuki Shiba. Something is suspicious about her. e.e
  11. I'm officially haapy. Got the most difficult of my approval votes from one of my juries! O3O

  12. I would like to say, that's not KOF XIII style, but rather an amalgam of KOF with Guilty Gear.
  13. 205... expect it... someday.

    1. Darkflare


      This confuses and angers me.

  14. I'm afraid it doesn't. I don't think she can run from one side of the screen to another in... seconds. She has a pretty easy to pull infinite. QCB+X all the time. Also, lack of damage scaling.
  15. Zangief... underrated? *sees K-Zangief, V-Zangief* Raiden... underrated? *sees K-Raiden* Question should be more focused about what do you mean by underrated.
  16. Just like I did in the guild, I'll post my feedback here too.
  17. Don't you hate when you're "hunting" a teacher happens it didn't come to class? >_>

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