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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Now that Zin's back......what's to come of the Disgaea screenpack?
  2. Asked him a couple of days ago.......still no response.
  3. Hmmmmmm......... Maybe you could add a little flavor to the mix to make it go along with this stage?
  4. We have Rachel, Ragna, and Noel Vermillion (I THINK).
  5. That ninja face means it doesn't look good.
  6. For a beginner at PhotoShop, you're doing pretty well.
  7. It's great to hear that Zin's recovering. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png
  8. Impressive. BTW, who are beside Ragna in your current sig?
  9. Hey guys, it's TDX (Formerly DemonArmageddonErmac), and I'm here to talk about the signatures we used in the past. Any sigs that were used in the past can be posted here.
  10. Starting to look nice. Still though, it's possible to change the timer font in the fight.def.
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