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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. XsLaught's Onslaught is another excellent choice for a boss character. http://www.mugenfreeforall.com/Warehouse/Marvel%20Vs.%20Capcom/Onslaught%20%28XsLaught%29.zip
  2. If Takano doesn't work for ya.......try Abyss by Kong, which has ALL 3 forms. http://www.infinitymugenteam.com/Uploads/SLUDGE/abyss.rar
  3. Baggy's Takano then? http://www.mediafire.com/?t5bgialcw637uc6
  4. The only Alice palettes that don't need to be fixed are the Ermac and Reptile ones. Plus, it's weird that only one palette was made for Kula and Jam each.
  5. Switch back to your original plan with the classic FF then.
  6. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.png
  7. Changed the size from 900x350 (size of the 1st sig) to 700x272 (size of current sig).
  8. Geez, that's the 2nd time that's happened to me. The first was at the old forum and Ryon noticed it. EDIT: Resized sig from 900x350 to 700x272
  9. Request: Jam by Muteki (Holiday palletes) (Ex. Halloween, Independence Day, etc.) Kula by P-Tan (Kula clone palletes) (Ex: Flamme, Gelato, etc.) Alice by NHK (MK color scheme palletes) (Ex: Scorpion, Jax, etc.)
  10. Hmmmm.....I guess NoZ wasn't so proud of his old lifebars.
  11. I knew you would come through with my request. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.png
  12. Here ya go: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L3SZDS8V Stage is by EXShadow (A.K.A Vibrant)
  13. An LOTR inspired stage? This should be interesting......... http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.png
  14. Stumbled upon these while on Google (I saw it on Zero's sig first, but didn't use it 'till I found them again): http://www.mediafire.com/?wdozyogoemn
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