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Status Updates posted by RoySquadRocks

  1. A funky reminder that ToeJam & Earl is the second best SEGA game ever. Good times. You cannot avoid having fun...seriously!


    Here is a review from Games You Loved: http://gamesyouloved.com/game-genre/consoles/sega/mega-drive/toejam-earl-in-panic-on-funkotron

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      All thanks to the amazing power of BLAST PROCESSING.

    3. Darkflare


      Wait, you said earlier that Ristar was the best Sega game and now you say its TJ&E. Which one is it?


      Not that it matters since they're still competing with Virtua Fighter, Shenmue and many other games for that title.

    4. RoySquadRocks



      TJ&E is the SECOND best game, I mean. Ristar and TJ&E are my favorite SEGA games of all time. Sorry to confuse you.

  2. So Pac-Man seems to be coming to Sonic Dash soon. This is going to be interesting.


    1. Gaulbetti


      That doesn't even make the slightest amount of sense.


      Mario I could understand, seeing as he's testing out the mobile scene... Is it Party/GA Pac-Man? Or a new artstyle?

    2. RoySquadRocks


      It better the same style as this:


    3. Superkingkong65
  3. A friendly reminder that Ristar is the best SEGA game ever.


    1. Darkflare


      It's not a bad game, but it's far from the best Sega game ever made.

  4. Nice to see some Ristar love!


    1. RoySquadRocks
    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Ristar truly deserved better, it's a franchise SEGA has underestimated the potential of. Glad there are more people out there who appreciate this hidden gem.

  5. Puyo Puyo Tetris is coming to Steam on February 27th. Will cost $19.99. Now up for pre-order for $17.99. You will receive exclusive wallpapers and avatars when you pre-ordered the game.


  6. Popuko and Pipimi should take it easy.


  7. Now this is interesting. I'll say Ristar. Enough said.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      Blinx the Time Sweeper.


      Why he's with Zool, Ristar, and Gex is beyond me. Zool and Ristar only got one game next to Gex and Blinx... Why I was thinking Plok was a better choice.

    3. Darkflare


      None of the above. I want my damn new F-Zero game.

    4. Gaulbetti


      Supposedly the delay on one is because "F0 is already a perfected series".


      ...Or something close to that.

  8. A friendly reminder that Lisnovsk is a GOD at SEGA games. His art is just BEAUTIFUL.


    1. bluengineer43


      That's very good!

  9. Looks like BJ Blazkowicz, Commander Keen, and "Doomguy" have the same family reunion.



    1. bluengineer43


      Very cool that they have the same family reunion!

    2. Kreutz Soldier

      Kreutz Soldier

      If Doom Guy were to have a family reunion with them, Commander Keen

      would be a grown man and Blazkowicz a really, REALLY old guy.

  10. This guy right here just LOVES Cool Spot as much as I do!



    1. bluengineer43


      Oh hey RoySquadRocks. I was going into your website to get the update you made for keen but it seems that Commander Keen's Link on your website was overwritten with Shovel Knight's Link.

    2. RoySquadRocks


      Shit! Thank you for noticing this. Link is now fixed. :)

    3. bluengineer43
    1. RoySquadRocks


      SEGA is planning to reveal a new game at Taipei Game Show tomorrow. Either this, or motherfucking Ristar.

    2. Lillie's 音MADs
    3. RMaster007


      The chance of there being a new Wild Woody game is very unlikely. Ristar could happen. Someday....

  11. Nyeheheh!


    1. thebestmlTBM
    2. RoySquadRocks


      You can thank Lisnovski for his awesome pixel art. ;)

  12. Make Pop Team Epic acknowledge it copied Super Fantasy Zone.


  13. A friendly reminder that Bonanza Bros is the best game ever!

  14. Nintendo Labo (2018)


    1. RoySquadRocks
    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL! When I Saw The Release Video Of The Labo and Saw That Cardboard Man Fall Down...I Busted Out Laughing!! LOL! In Other News...Cardboard Box Prices Has Raised Significantly!

  15. The SEGA fandom on January 12: OMG!!! THEY'RE ABOUT TO ANNOUNCE A TEASER!!!! What will it be? A new SEGA console? SEGA Forever finally coming to modern consoles and PC?! Another Fantasy Zone sequel?! New Jet Set Radio?! Shenmue 3?! RISTAR?!?!


    The SEGA fandom on January 16: ...Really? A Stupid Hospital Sim Game?


    Such salt...

    1. RoySquadRocks


      People shouldn't act like this is a bad thing. To me, I find Theme Hospital quite interesting. Never heard of this simulator type game before, but I'm willing to give it a try.

      To be honest, if you really want SEGA's old IP's back, never worry. Patience is a virtue. Someday, you'll get what you expected.

  16. SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy (2018)


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