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Status Updates posted by RoySquadRocks

  1. NOT a big fan of Sunday afternoons.


    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Because they're close to mondays?

    2. DLF
  2. I can't WAIT to get the new Kirby and Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch! This is the best day ever!!!

    1. AstroInkling45


      Me too! I seriously can't wait till they're released! :D

  3. The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest. #IHateMondays

    1. DLF


      Cheer Up by watching Puppers. Thats what a do if I am moody.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DS12


      My life is officially over.

      Wait......what am I saying? My life was over before.

    3. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Always great to see an old franchise have new life breathed into it. That looks awesome :)

    4. DLF




  4. Nitori confirmed as a new ARMS character?!


  5. Happy 57th Birthday, SEGA!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DLF


      i know it. (Also I hope they put Characters from the Ballot that never made it)

    3. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      It's probaly gonna be like that.

      Also about the ballot, the only ones I'm actully rooting for is Snake.

    4. DLF


      Me on Shantae.

  6. SEGA is planning to revive their OLD IPS?!?! OMFG YES!!!!!


    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Yay! Let's watch them sink into darkness once more because Sonic.

    2. RoySquadRocks


      *prays for Bonanza Bros, Dynamite Headdy, Fantasy Zone, Astal, Tempo, BUG, Vectorman, and Ristar to come back*

    3. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi


      Hype for Alex Kidd & Gunstar Heroes

  7. Top 100 SEGA games!!! Which ones are your favourite? Mine are Ristar, Monster World IV, Vectorman, Toejam & Earl, Dynamite Headdy, and Fantasy Zone!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DLF


      Sonic prior SA2

    3. Noside


      I'm not a sega fan but, I like SOR, Vectorman and Maximum Carnage.

    4. Egnaro


      Oh I thought this was a list just for Genesis titles, not all platforms. In that case yeah I would still have Sonic 2 at the top behind Shenmue

  8. Touhou 16 demo has been released! I'm SOOOO gonna try this out!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      Demo of 15.5 is also out.


      Better than before, but it's still the base floaty system that needs to be fully reformed.

    3. DLF


      Touhou 15.5? More like UMVC3.

    4. DLF


      In both games characters do air combos and its like they fly around.

  9. Crossover: Connecting Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to Wreck-It Ralph.


  10. Deadlock: Rumia from Rokuaka vs. Rumia from Touhou

    1. DLF


      Touhou is Bullethell

      Touhou is Eternal

      Touhou always wins

      Hail Touhou

      Praise ZUN

  11. Why is Cirno looked brown tho?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RicePigeon


      Remilia would burn to death if she tried to get a tan

    3. RicePigeon




      "Why is Cirno looked brown tho?"
      @RoySquadRocks why ya'll be racist, man? :p

    4. RoySquadRocks


      Lol! Damn, I should've edited that status update.

  12. PAC-MAN Maker is coming soon?! YES!!!!!!!


    1. DLF


      Not Mario Maker 2

    2. Gaulbetti


      ...Already been done online.


      Now they could make a killing with a PMW maker. Or a Pac-Man 2 Maker.

    3. DLF


      Just realised what was missing from my server. Roy join again plz ? https://discord.gg/T9cavVm

  13. Commander Keen's Small Update (and Flower Power Special!)


  14. A reminder that the Bonanza Bros. and any SEGA IP besides Sonic need to deserve a comeback.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N1000sh


      Remember when Flicky got his own game but was soon demoted to be an extra on the Sonic Games (The birds you liberate when you kill a Robot enemy)

    3. DLF


      Gave Positive to N1000sh. Just a mistake... Dont Judge...


      Nevermind. Just do what makes every char. you make so cool and I think it is OK for Bonanza Bros. Also I am watching your DeviantArt. Nicr art.

    4. Darkflare


      You're only going to see them in stuff like All stars racing and you're going to like it.

  15. Oh no! I think I'm starting to Gl17(H!!!

  16. I wish it would happen in real life:


  17. Deadlock: Wild Woody vs. Woody Woodpecker vs. Woody from Toy Story

  18. Commander Keen MUGEN preview!!!


    1. thebestmlTBM


      There's my sprite edit right there. biggrin.gif

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Ooooooo Commander motherfuckin Keen?  
      c:\> up in this beeeeeich!  Shit yes!

    3. The 14th Doctor
  19. Happy Birthday, bud! :D

  20. Looks like Shovel Knight will have a new fairy helper in a future update for MUGEN! Boopity Boo!


    1. DLF
    2. BrawlTheMan


      Hyped for spector knight's story. Since it covers how he died and recruited the order of no quarter, I wonder if we'll see what shovel knight looked like before he took up shovelry.

  21. I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.

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