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Everything posted by rockocalypse

  1. Can someone show me where in the cns (im assuming it's there) I should modify to add chip damage? is it a certain value or is it not possible on some characters? I've nowhere to start.
  2. I'll try him out. Thanks for that very quick reply. EDIT: that's actually the one I'm currently using XD he's the least charge-happy one I have found but it seems when I pit him against most other characters he spends even still too much time charging. Even if the char is OP I wont mind, just as long as he can stand up to some of my other characters. If there's nothing that can be done however I will accept this as fate and say Answered
  3. I have tried several Tiens but all have had AI obsessed with charging up preventing them from ever actually fighting. If someone could show me a capable one it'd be pretty swell.
  4. Thanks alot guys. I would have never thought something like that could be so simple.
  5. Sorry if i'm posting this in the wrong place. (I know how forums can be about that) What I'm looking for is a screenpack with a selection screen that can hold about 400 (300 minimum) and also has a space to select a character at random. Thanks for your help if i'm lucky enough to receive any MARRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :D
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