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Everything posted by rockocalypse

  1. I remember along time ago someone requested someone find this and I tried and.... it took hours of searching. Then I gave up. Randomly tonight, or morning as its in the early AM's here I searched again and... found it in 3 minutes. The request thread is gone so posting in found releases. (Never done something like this before so if im doing it wrong... sorry) http://www.sendspace.com/file/t0f1ft
  2. I will never stop being amazed by the Waku Waku characters :P Is it the one under Arranged or converted characters? Or are the two too similar to determine the difference?
  3. What is the girl attached to these feet and where can I get it http://www.thephotonfalls.com/ThePhotonFalls/Mugen/Pubbli/a%20(7).jpg
  4. pure speculation, have't even downloaded him. But I'd guess Hyper
  5. no, only Motaro came back to life. everyone else was still hurt and none of the super bars filled. it happened as soon as darth vader came back to the fight from off screen
  6. I was doing a battle in M.U.G.E.N, Simul vs single. Metal Mario by Kouzyoutyou2621 Vs. Bloody Motaro by JEHOVANSS teaming with Darth Vader by googoo64 (yes, THAT googoo64... heheheh) So the match starts and somewhere along the line Vader decides to fly away off screen and Motaro stays and is killed. I watch the screen as Vaders flying Sound plays 400 times and Mario tries to hit nothing. But, all of a sudden, Vader comes back on screen to finish the job. At this point im glad, my match will have a real finish! But...whats this? Motaro who had been sitting down in his dead state for at least 20 seconds.... his lifebar refills! and he starts attacking again!!!!!!!!!!!! :O Thats never happened to me with Bloody Motaro or any other character.
  7. even in that screencap, she looks like a still image. probrably not done yet. it says 0.1, right?
  8. You've got alot done for a beta. For the final release, do you plan to just polish the character and fix bugs, or are you adding anything? (such as extra moves or supers)
  9. I figured out it's not only regen, it's actually some sort of code that sets his health back to full after he gets hit. But I have no idea what that looks like. I found something in his cns that says "[state ] type=lifeset trigger1=!ishelper value=lifemax-sysvar(2) ignorehitpause=1" and then [state ] type=targetlifeadd trigger1=ishelper(1) trigger1=numtarget trigger1=root,anim=3000 trigger1=root,animelemtime(6)=0 value=-target,lifemax absolute=1 ignorehitpause=1 I dont know if any of this stuff matters, but it seems to change his life. Somehow [state ] type=lifeset trigger1=Name!="Dr.Manhattan" value=alive <<< (Does that mean it keeps him alive always?) ignorehitpause=1 [state ] type=lifeadd trigger1=anim=191 value=20 ignorehitpause=1 That's all the life modifiers in his normal plain CNS. Not to mention the other two. Do I just need to remove anything that says Lifeadd and Lifefull?
  10. there are no states -2 or 3 in any of the Cns's. Anywhere else to look for health regeneration?
  11. I recently downloaded Pkrs' Dr. Manhattan and was wondering which part of his coding I need to remove to stop his insanely over powered regeneration or t least lower it greatly. I went into the .cns (just the regular cns, not 2) and I took out any instance of the "life add" coding but he still does it. I can post the text if needed.
  12. I think this is by Kirbey... I got here from the link at Mugen wikia that says this is from Kirbey so.... blame them not me if it's wrong. (the reason you couldnt acess it from the wikia was because you had to delete a part of the url they linked you to so you could access the drive as someone who isn't the owner.) :P the folder is also sorta hidden in the drive itself. NOTE:if you download from google chrome, it will tell you the file is a nope nope. But just go to your downloads (Ctrl+J) and click recover malicious file and then say hurt me plenty. You'll be fine. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=C68F765B31750DEF&id=C68F765B31750DEF%21184 (havent tried the character out yet, but its in a folder called "monster characters can be bad" so..... O.o ohhh.
  13. Thanks a million. I had been to that site before actually when I got Sannomiya, I must have forgotten about it since then. Cheers to you and all that
  14. The link from http://page.freett.com/ovarrain/ is down and Archive isnt working for me so I dont know much else to do, I cant find any warehousing either :/
  15. Awesomely done. I haven't actually checked out any of these creations in test play or anything but I'm very thrillled we've an active creator making things from obscure off the wall games :D Also, good and fun original characters are also SOMEWHAT of a rarity due to the original spriting and all the work it takes so I look forward to seeing more from you and others in the future. I will for sure be checking out Pulseman on release and I may just have to take SpaceMouse and Sparkster out for a spin :D
  16. I was almost certain nobody'd be able to find it. Thank for the pleasant surprise. :D
  17. Earth god from this place http://mortalkombatkings.myfunforum.org/Son_Jarocho_Enjin_amp_Platinum_about43.html
  18. Woah, Chester the cheetah and Tempo! :O (I dont know what tempos source is) but both of these characters look promising, something to look forward to this independence day. Pretty risky....err. ballsy of you to give yourself a deadline like that :P
  19. Instead of pestering you and talking down the character, I decided to upload it for you :P. I have a much bigger leniance on characters. This Abbey could be much worse. I have seen much worse characters before. Tell me if the link doesnt work, I have never uploadd something for anyone before so I may have goofed https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uqebr1ixas0qp3u/QSLA5clYIJ
  20. I argued with myself if this should go to the request or discussion section and I don't have to tell you which side I agreed with. Sorry if I made an error in judgment on that one. I'd like to hear/see your guy's list of characters that are already in MUGEN that... 1.Have Knight armour or helms on. 2. Are fusion characters or more then one character fighting at a time. 3. Are based on turtles 4. Are kung fu man edits (preferably wild and outrageous ones) 5. Are good edits of SF characters or Megaman characters (By edit I mean a purposeful variation of the character from their source game I.e Black Guile or Power Gear) Links are appreciated but if you just give me the name I will search for it :D
  21. thanks alot :D its a small victory but a victory nonetheless
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtCH753WA58#t=17 Basically I just want M.U.G.E.N to have the sf4 announcer in the start and end of the matches. I've know idea where to get the bars to therefore get the sound file
  23. It's never as simple as you think it's gonna be in coding. That being said, having the ; around the command means that the human can't ever execute the move from what Im now to understand. so what if I just add the ";" to every command to make them all non-human controlled? Will the AI automatically take over those commands? (I am for a sure using 1.0. Im going to test my theory.) Edit: My theory was terrible. all it did was make the character float to one side of the stage with no animations. I think this is way over my head XD
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