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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. YouTube is slowly dying... I'm going to Zippcast after this.

  2. YouTube is slowly dying... I'm going to Zippcast after this.

  3. Who here uses 1.1? I have an issue with it.

  4. Who here uses 1.1? I have an issue with it.

  5. Why is all that i see on my facebook is Cranky Kong? Here's my reaction to everyone getting butthurt about Cranky Kong:

  6. WII U sounds like Ling Ling... Free cookie if you get the reference.

  7. WII U sounds like Ling Ling... Free cookie if you get the reference.

  8. Gonna Try my Best To wait out all of My Health Problems Til After xmas if its not cancer, than it wont matter if i wait,if it is Pancreatic Cancer, its Too Far Gone Now after all these Months,And i dont want to be sitting in my house thinking about how this is the last christmas ill spend with my wife and kids, so im going to start back going to doctors in january..... im stillquite sick,stomach is swollen,like pregnant swollen,stomach and back pains,still losing weight even though im eating...

  9. Drake the type of nigga to meet a girl at the club and then text her an hour later saying "what are we?"

  10. Drake the type of nigga who goes to sleep before his 9 pm curfew.

  11. Drake the type of nigga who marries a girl that agrees to have a one night stand.

  12. Drake the type of nigga who marries a girl that agrees to have a one night stand.

  13. Drake the type of nigga who pays a stripper to put her clothes back on.

  14. Drake the type of nigga who pays a stripper to put her clothes back on.

  15. Holy shit... Paul Walker is dead...

  16. If Retsu is in USF4, I'll be excited!!! :D

  17. So, there's only MUGEN streamer on Twitch, and it has 1K views cause it's a gambling site or something. Kinda makes me wanna stream MUGEN...

  18. So, there's only MUGEN streamer on Twitch, and it has 1K views cause it's a gambling site or something. Kinda makes me wanna stream MUGEN...

  19. I wish i could find all of P-tan's ai patches... But nooo its all offline #DemFeels

  20. Sharkeisha sounds like a really bad weave for women.

  21. Sharkeisha sounds like a really bad weave for women.

  22. Those next gen consoles sound like a lawnmower and shredder making a baby, LOL!

  23. God dang, I hate those hard to navigate Japanese blogs with some awesome character that's hard to find.

  24. Who actually watches my videos?

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