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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. I'm here to download PotS char edits, and chew bubblegum. And i'm all out of PotS edi .... OH WAIT, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. HA!

  2. Jfc I swear. Our internet went out and my mom spent an hour trying to connect to the internet on the phone with the cable company. And I kept trying to tell her there was no wifi connection to fucking connect. She wouldn't let me say anything and she kept saying ''The woman on the phone knows what shes doing'' BUT SHE DIDN'T KNOW WE DIDN'T HAVE A WIFI SIGNAL URRRRRRGH. This has been a rant by Jayfeather.

  3. Great, all the pipesand water are frozen at my house... NO WATER!

  4. Great, all the pipesand water are frozen at my house... NO WATER!

  5. 22 degrees here... Aw man.

  6. I need an adult

  7. Chosen oneeee. (Quack)

  8. Chosen oneeee. (Quack)

  9. Someone needs to port this stage to Mugen.

  10. net will be gone as of midnight tonight.......but no worries , im gonna have a new company help me about saturday afternoon , see ya then


  12. Any good recommended settings for bandicam? I usually just use presets.

  13. people shooting gun for the new year and now my dog wont stop barking also i cant fucking sleep anymore 2014 my ass

  14. Xan makes some cool combo videos, i like them alot.

  15. "New year, new me". Will you PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE shut the hell up with that saying!!! You're still gonna be the same dumbass at 12:01 that you were at 11:59.

  16. Quick question: Anybody remember the name Smithy Werbenjaegermanjensen?

  17. Did anyone see that Silva vs Weidman fight? SHEEEEIT!

  18. Lately, my little brother's been yelling the OOOOOOH from Regular Show.

  19. Quick Question: On Infinite's characters when you have pal selctor off, is there an option of changing the default palettes?

  20. Quick Question: On Infinite's characters when you have pal selctor off, is there an option of changing the default palettes?

  21. Quick Question: On Infinite's characters when you have pal selctor off, is there an option of changing the default palettes?

  22. 12/31/2013 will be my first year into Mugen.

  23. So, I've been out of the loop for a while, is MUGEN Saltybet still popular or did people get sick of the moron running it?

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