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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. I was looking for a certain set of lifebars and i was wondering anyone has the: Capcom Fighting Jam Lifebars or Tekken Lifebars? I'd greatly appreciate it anyone could leave a link :).
  2. Nappa: Oh look, Vegeta! It's a Namekian! Krillin: Hey! I take offense to that! Piccolo: He's referring to me, you idiot! And it's not an insult, the Namekians are a fine, proud race of- Nappa: That means he doesn't have a penis, right Vegeta?

  3. http://www.geocities.jp/onndoxuru/sk.html Has Daigo and Burai Yamaoto ai patches.
  4. The feels right now at the ending. #WhensDiamondIsUnbreakable?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      We gotta sens Shia up there for some INTENSE

    3. Dan


      Can't wait for Josuke weird hair

    4. Cook4251


      What the hell did you say about my HAIR!?

  5. Waiting onthe last episode like... DO IT!!!! JUST DO IT!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Remzy


      Don't let your dreams be dreams, yesterday you said tomorrow so JUST DO IT!

    3. Galvatron


      Its worst with DBZ. :-P

    4. Trinitronity


      Funny you say that: Today was the final JoJo episode.

      It was a fun ride while it lasted. :)

  6. Also if you need an AI patch for Pots Sakura, here you go. http://www.geocities.jp/onndoxuru/sk.html
  7. Hope this helps(Had to use Wayback Machine for Ikaruga's old ai patches) https://web.archive.org/web/20130630044241/http://page.freett.com/ikrgmugen/ai.html
  8. Shenmue 3 got like a million dollars in one night!!!

    1. Doomguy


      That's still a thing?

    2. Cook4251


      Going on from the past 14 years, tell that to the fanbase.

  9. Birdie has really let himself go. Too many fish and chips
  10. BIRDIE IS FUCKING BACK!!! Now all we have to wait for is Karin... *Fingers crossed*

    1. DBScourge


      Urien, Alex, Necro, maybe Twelve, R. Mika, and Eagle. They still got a ways to go

    2. Cook4251


      Bring back Q, and i'm all good.

  11. *Hype Intensifies*
    1. Galvatron


      yeah we see that lol!


    2. Cook4251
  12. Reaction to everyone complaining about Ryu and Roy:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cook4251


      It's bad enough that people are complaining on Facebook and Twitter. I don't wanna sound mean but, is the sodium real today?

    3. Zio


      the only people complaining about ryu are megaman fans anyway and we all know how bitchy they are

    4. Cook4251


      Sounds about right.

  13. First Christopher Lee and now Dusty Rhodes... such a sad day. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mister Fael
    3. miru


      And the Sonic franchise...

    4. Doomguy


      All this death, and we still have to wait for Sean Bean to die again.

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q5aZU-TvGE "Johnny, shut the fuck up!" LOL.
  15. WUT???
    1. Mister Fael
    2. Cook4251


      I know... Gotta hand her an L.

  16. I wonder if Ryoucchi & The Magic Toaster plan on releasing another stage soon. Find out on the next episode of Mugen Free For All.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kazagami


      don't listen to him .v.

      we might, if we have good resources

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Last time, on Mugen Free For All...

    4. Cook4251
  17. Reaction to sonic boom
    1. TotalDramaXtremist
    2. Cook4251


      Literally how i felt when i heard about it. (Bruh Faint)

  18. *:Looks around and see if Mister Fael isn't around* "Yes! Yes! Yes! I can WIN! I feal GREAT! I! CAN! DO! THIS!"

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      You can do this while i'm around...

    2. Cook4251



      *Dashes away*

  19. Now this is nice. I enjoyed playing with her alot. Great character.
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