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Riku Minato

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Status Replies posted by Riku Minato

  1. Happy single awareness day!

  2. 9.89 GB of mugen!

  3. Bad news for all you superstitious folk out there. It's Friday the 13th.


  5. Going to test Urban Legend

  6. people be releasing characters like they have diarrhoea

  7. Hello everybody Long time No see guys its been a while matees...........So, what's the latest mugen games!?

  8. Easy as pie O3O

  9. Zeroko vs, SSJ Son Gokou which one you choose to win...

  10. my son's 1st Bday is the 19th, after that is over the followingmonday im going to check myself into the hospital, im getting even worse,my stomach and back both hurt now, im having awaful gas,still tired 24/7 been told by another doc its not cancer, but i dont want to risk being in the hospital for my little boys 1st Bday party so im going to wait it out, but im really very sick, ive always maintained it was cancer, and i still fellthat way

  11. Huh it's been a long time since i've been here.

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