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Riku Minato

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Status Replies posted by Riku Minato

  1. So my YouTube page has hit 20'000 views. Didn't expect that, but i feel satisfied now.

  2. I want to try eat sukiyaki but I can't decide which is the best style so anyone which is the best sukiyaki style is Kansai Style Version or Kanto Style Version?!

  3. I still cry while I watching the last episode of Ashita No Joe 2.

  4. god damn it why the my YT link wont turn into a vid WTFh is this...

  5. I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for the condolences and positive vibes. I'm still grieving but trust me, i won't abandon no one here or anything. But we're redoing the house for her and a few days family's gonna be over and i'll give you guys updates and such. Thanks again everybody.

    1. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      Condolence buddy stay positive and good vibes.I know its hard to let go and move on but you must keep move forward.... :'(

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Howdy matee how's your work!

  7. Howdy matee how's your work!

  8. Hey its your Birthday today GarchompMatt

    Happy Birthday My friend. :-)

  9. Pikachu +Hulk+Goku = Blanka

  10. 420 active posts... DANK 12P MODE ACTIVATED.

  11. So long everyone! I'll be leaving till Wednesday or Thursday.Spending time with my bro in Connecticut. See ya when I get back.

  12. Ryoucchi, Excahm, and Kaiserhero. I enjoy your stages

  13. is it normal that i listen giygas theme?



  16. Today i buyed 2 chibi street fighters figures for $150..

  17. MACINTOSH PLUS - リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー

  18. ...[Looks in Ryoucchi's profile]... O_O A 1000 REPS!!!!!! Thats impossible. LOL!! way to go Ryoucchi! XD

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