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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Double-posting cause the reveal is in: Hope you are all happy now, cause Karin's back with a new look and some new moves too.
  2. You two might need to do this "lifebar" thing somewhere else (preferably PM). Be on-topic, please.
  3. Don't pay attention to the "Blanka" text along with the figure he has of him (since "Blanka" is his buddy when it comes to reveal). Pay attention to the little "screen" he has that's behind the Blanka figure. Screens of said hint:
  4. Well, might not be much (in fact it's way less than what I originally intended), but how does $4 sound? Asked, cause donated.
  5. Ono posted a hint regarding a reveal at TGS 2015 in the 17th at 2:30 pm (Japan's time). Any ideas?
  6. I'm still not sure about the newer designs both Kyo and Iori has. Sure, they both look good, but I have some gripes: Kyo: Love that the outfit is reminding me of his NESTs outfit. However... the face and everything else looks like something Gackt would dress-up as. Iori: Like I stated before (from another forum), looks like someone who just came from a Visual Kei band.
  7. So... King of Fighters XIV is actually coming out.. bad news: It's looking like Maximum Impact 3.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Doomguy


      So then. This game is going to have PS2-era graphics, eh? Oh well, considering how the only reason to play KOF:MI3 was for the extremely suggestive costume choices for the females.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      I hope this gets announced for PS3 or Wii U so I don't have to shell out big dough for another next gen console.

    4. Galvatron


      @Big Green: Less chance that would happen at this point in time since Sony and Nintendo are already starting to developing next Gen consoles in the next few years or so. :-P

  8. Sorta late, but Chucho's Little Mac is "decent"? I beg to differ: -Part of his intro music plays even if the match is starting. -His walk is mis-aligned (not because it looks like he's sliding on the floor, only because just one frame/sprite makes it looks like he's standing on air) -MIs-aligned hitsparks here and there: -Umm... I'm not sure if it's common to link 5 hits (at most) for Med punch and Hard Punch. -Furthermore, why is Med punch a bit stronger than Hard Punch? (65 dmg for Med, 60 dmg for Hard) -All of his specials (Qcf P, Qcb K, qcb P, qcf K) are the same with no variants (no damage variants, no distance variants, no speed variant, etc). -Qcf Punch and Qcf Kick have recovery properties (manually, or if Training's recovery is "on") -Qcb Punch is an infinite (if timed right). -Super BG has a transparency issue (I think that's what it's called). -Super BG even flickers a lot during the super, usually flashing this black bg without the effects. -Why is there this light-blue hitbox that doesn't seem to do anything other than stand there? I'm aware that this is a Chucho character that I'm feedbacking (since I feel like I'm wasting my breath due to Chuch's reputation of how he takes feedback, if those are true), and I'm aware that this is also in a news release, which is what I usually don't post feedback in unless I'm motivated to do so (and that motivation is to see what's so "decent" about this character). But seriously, if ya'll are gonna think a character is decent, you might need to take a closer examination before giving judgement.
  9. Just a few things: -Abare Tosanami's last hit gains meter. -EX attacks regain meter.
  10. There are combos. His gameplay's a bit like MvC3 (slightly), so it's not that hard to pull them off.
  11. Zemilia


    It's a stupid thing Touhou fans thought of ever since like.. September 9, 2009. It's only there because the character herself (Cirno) is usually labeled as a "⑨" (Or nine-ball. A.k.a idiot).
  12. Huh, Nice to see you here. Kind of a surprise, actually. But anyway, welcome to MFFA. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  13. Zemilia


    Just an avatar change, but that's about it (and it's for a day). Avatar I'm using kinda fits though, since I've been listening to a certain Lemaitre song a lot lately (Cut to Black).
  14. Just a quick question: Will the Oozaru attack be a timed one? Not timed as in "it needs timing for commands", timed as in "I play as Oozaru for a limited amount of time!". Here's what I meant: Once you activate the Oozaru hyper, you gain control of him for a limited amount of time. He has 3 attacks in this state: x = Left hand (punch or hand slam on the ground) y = Right hand (punch or hand slam on the ground) z = Laser Only reason why I suggested this one is because it's kind of reminding me of Onslaught (2nd form) from MvC.
  15. Zemilia


    Since this is the "shit" thread.. Might as well post a vid about eating a very infamous canned food. :P
  16. I might need to check this out some time later. It surprisingly looks nice. Not a fan of the font though.
  17. Maybe a few more frames. Here, have this lovely image here for reference on his transformation:
  18. Either I can't see the images, or you don't have any kind of previews (video, screens, etc) to begin with. Previews please.
  19. Transformation looks a bit too simple. Maybe you could have made him scream? (since that's how he did it when he 1st transformed)
  20. -Homura by Kohaku - 1 -Omega Shingo by Ahuron - 1 (released late of August) -Makoto by KojiroBADNESS - 1 -Evil Ryu by 119way - 1
  21. Was gonna post this at Guild, but it was loading too slow for me (and as of typing this, gave me a "500" error). Anyway: -Missing a hitbox on a frame of Sled Slam's recovery. -EX Sled Slam gives back meter. -The Slideback on Taiga during "T&D Connection" seems off. It's like Ryuuji's trying to pull Taiga away from her opponent, even though that doesn't happen in source (they both stay still on their position during the animation).Nevermind that. From the Readme (minor nitpicks): -"This is Senna from Toradora/Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax." instead of "This is Taiga from Toradora/Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax." -"[Light Attack] - Z" instead of "[Light Attack] - X" -Demonic Chao's command is wrong.
  22. Kind of surprising to see you drop by. Anyway, welcome to MFFA dude.
  23. Summer has come and pass, the innocent can never last.

    Wake me up, when September ends.

    1. BrawlTheMan


      Aw damn it, I was gonna post that song >.<

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