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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. http://www.mugeno.com/load/characters/1-5-2 .... like half of there pics are stolen from us ......
  2. if there was a law about how many kids the person could have what would you want the limit to be i personal think you should only be allow to have 2 kids the max anything more and both people of gender either it be male and male or female and female or male and female should get both there tube tie that is why most are on welfare now

  3. if there was a law about how many kids the person could have what would you want the limit to be i personal think you should only be allow to have 2 kids the max anything more and both people of gender either it be male and male or female and female or male and female should get both there tube tie that is why most are on welfare now

  4. if there was a law about how many kids the person could have what would you want the limit to be i personal think you should only be allow to have 2 kids the max anything more and both people of gender either it be male and male or female and female or male and female should get both there tube tie that is why most are on welfare now

  5. P4A day 1 DLC.. ugh. I know I'm a sucker for alt color pallets and glasses.

  6. so like who wants to help me make a Len Edit collection I don't have many but know theres tons.

  7. so like who wants to help me make a Len Edit collection I don't have many but know theres tons.

  8. I need a good beta-tester for my character Hibiki. If anyone is interested, then just give a shout. She's from Kensei Shoujo.

  9. does anyone no what is Best program to capture live steaming videos off the web

  10. does anyone no what is Best program to capture live steaming videos off the web

  11. does anyone no what is Best program to capture live steaming videos off the web

  12. Guess wat JUS HAPPENED!! i got the yellow light of dead..............

  13. ..Now playing DS POKEMON CONQUEST.. :D

  14. A friend of mine made me drink a type of mix and it got me plastered like hell 30min later.. i asked him what was that mix but he keep saying SECRET..>_

  15. is there any kind of translator that is good to read any kind of language

  16. JP Pokemon Black/White 2 ROMS are already out.

  17. back to work on the gundam characters

  18. can someone make me a gif of Master Asia and post it for me it wont let me do one for some reason keep giving me a error

  19. Help With Ectracting N64 Music Form Dual Heros

  20. Do you guys hate my chi bi mugen characters? just wondering?

  21. Guys i wont be on here for a while, my dad passed away this morning close to noon so my mom is going to need me & i need to take my time to come with the terms of this.......just do me a favor if u still have a Dad in your life, good or bad, hug him and tell him you love him, because i cant hug mine ever again

  22. been playin' alot of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow lately. this game is PHUKKIN' EPIC!!!!

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