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Status Replies posted by Darklight

  1. so i ordered wings from dinner & i ordered Mild...... by the time i finished i had wartery eyes & i was sweating, & im a wing master . i have no idea what the hell happened, ive never been in pain after eating wings

  2. so i ordered wings from dinner & i ordered Mild...... by the time i finished i had wartery eyes & i was sweating, & im a wing master . i have no idea what the hell happened, ive never been in pain after eating wings

  3. Labrys chain knuckle sprites are messed up. Gotta resprite them to have 16 sprites each for the other 11-20 sprites.. Gah

  4. just play'd Double Dragon II for NES, & got own'd.....h-a-r-d! damn, i forgot how phukkin' hard this game is!!

  5. What does it mean when you open up MUGEN (the exe) and AVG says a threat is detected from it? I scanned the file itself but, as I thought, there is nothing wrong with it. What the hell?

  6. What does it mean when you open up MUGEN (the exe) and AVG says a threat is detected from it? I scanned the file itself but, as I thought, there is nothing wrong with it. What the hell?

  7. i feel like a broken record but there are NO necroposting rules whatsoever. post wherever you want whenever you want. hell it keeps the forum lively when you do.

  8. I took my computer into the shop and they said there's a possibility that the mother board could be fried. Which means that all my progress will be destroyed.

  9. i feel like a broken record but there are NO necroposting rules whatsoever. post wherever you want whenever you want. hell it keeps the forum lively when you do.

  10. i feel like a broken record but there are NO necroposting rules whatsoever. post wherever you want whenever you want. hell it keeps the forum lively when you do.

  11. Who's your favorite anime psychopath? Mine are Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Vicious (Cowboy Bebop), Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) & Hidan (Naruto)

  12. Who's your favorite anime psychopath? Mine are Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Vicious (Cowboy Bebop), Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) & Hidan (Naruto)

  13. Who's your favorite anime psychopath? Mine are Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Vicious (Cowboy Bebop), Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) & Hidan (Naruto)

  14. had a great time at the movies lastnight

  15. had a great time at the movies lastnight


  17. u know they say in an emergency u dont yell Help, you Yell Fire?...this is a bad idea, what if your being robbed & the person has a gun?

  18. lol i saw williamX in the chat room just a few minutes ago.

  19. Sooo...I couldn't really find an introduction section here, so might as well introduce myself like this. My name is Aster (Internet Alias), I was once a loyal member to a great site, but now it has really gone downhill. I would appreciate any welcomes from you guys here, and hopefully I can be a loyal member to this site as well.

  20. i wish i rember where ramza is for mugen only found him once a long time ago he was release but i dont think he was compete either

  21. Im a guy everyone! lol just clearing it up

  22. I've got a day-off, lol

  23. does anyone know how to install Ultimate Fighting Tournament screenpack

  24. does anyone know how to install Ultimate Fighting Tournament screenpack

  25. wow i forgot all about my own website have not seen in years funny how you forget things

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