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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. [PC/PS4/Xbox1/NS] Sonic Mania Returning back to his classic 2d roots Sonic is back in a new adventure along with his friends Tails and Knuckles..
  2. [NS] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 The Xenoblade series continues with a whole new story... Looks pretty good.... :-)
  3. [NS] Fire Emblem Warriors Awesome! to have another FE game but this time in team-ninja style..!! :-D This is going to be epic...
  4. [NS] Super Bomberman R At long last the famous Bomb ninja is back in action..as a new game unfolds. I wonder could this mean Konami is co-operating with Nintendo again...
  5. [NS] Splatoon 2 The lovable squids are back on a new console. as it looks like it has more features and added stuff to it.. hopfully for the (fan sake) the Octarians playable as well. but we will see when the game comes out...
  6. [NS] Super Mario Odyssey Yep folks another brand new mario game for the NS release. it seems this time he going through different worlds to (of course) rescue peach again. LOL! whats so funny this is the second known time mario try to break up a wedding between Bowser X Peach. XD
  7. cause folks might wanted more then they wanted as like other games sponsored from other well known third party companies. me either i say this looks promising....considering it may be more on it then we expected.. anyways for folks who missed the presentation:
  8. Happy Birthday man! ..  :-)

  9. LOL! XD now that a cute little mugen story..
  10. Cool.. Awesome!... :-D adorable.....
  11. LOL! XD nice reference.... This is an awesome released by Minoo... I wonder is he planning on doing another from touhou 15..
  12. I know a late but.... Ah! yeah!! Jack (SF-EX) has finally made for Mugen.. thats great news man!!..
  13. As announced the showcase of the Nintendo Switch will be lived at Tokyo on January 12 and will be streamed on the net on the 13th... we will finally see what the first games are going to be when the system be released..
  14. yeah.. but i think they going to aleast add a few or more characters more likely veterans (Ice climbers, and Wolf of course) and add acouple more new faces which im looking at another Nintendo rep ( im expecting maybe a character from Splatoon or a new pokemon from gen7) and maybe another third-party rep (hopefully Shantae or shovel Knight be one of them or could be somebody from Namco/Bandai) . ..... thats pretty much my hunch.. :-P Im also still hoping they can bring back some stages from SSB- Melee now that be awesome..
  15. {topic update} I went ahead and moved this topic to the "Travel Station" section.. @RobotMonkeyHæd thanks Boss!.....
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