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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. this is awesome! :-D good job on this... Matt..
  2. ...or he could be into some squid-booty: LOL! XD (NSFW) ....Now im starting to see why people Nickname her "Princess B@%$#".....
  3. LOL! XD ...well this is starting to be a meme for this year so we will expect more of these when the NS is released....
  4. LOL! XD Looks like someone started versions for Anime:
  5. Man! what a Mourning I had.. I just accidentally crashed my car when I was on my way home for the weekend. I was so tired I nodded-off a split second and went off road.........




    Glad im still around......

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Galvatron


      @SSBK65 Thanks man... yeah i should had thought of that before i drove but im still alive thats all that matters...

    3. Cayne
    4. Galvatron


      @Cayne Yeah im good Man! Thanks!.. Next time i won't be driving while im tired....a life lesson to learn.

  6. new trailer Kolin/H (new character) revealed: I'm shocked she became a fighter..... O_O
  7. Happy birthday to ya Big G.... :-)

  8. of course we all know. how things will go for kids now a days.....
  9. waoh! this is awesome :-D Old Ryou-win is still doing his things for mugen....
  10. Happy birthday to ya man! :-D

  11. I hav'nt got a chance to download the game yet.. but when i do I have mine ID available soon..
  12. here some vs. ones : Now thats a hot battle
  13. Nice!... LOL! looks like team Talon has to take things on the road....
  14. Its probly an error on the forum that caused this problem... I believe @RobotMonkeyHæd might had fixed this already... If it presist then I will address this issue to him.. I also got rid of the duplicate post that was made so it should be good for now.... Anyways back on topic:
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