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Status Updates posted by Galvatron

  1. ................





  2. Happy Birthdays too:


    {C.R.O.M.} Skorp


    Congrates to all of you. :-)
  3. Happy Birthday man! :-)

    1. Luis


      My mom's birthday was yesterday our birthday is really close.

    2. Galvatron
  4. Happy Birthday to ya Darkwolf13. :-)

  5. Happy birthday to ya. :-)

    1. Gaulbetti


      Sweet, thanks.

  6. happy birthday to you Remzy. :-)


    LOL! I didn't know your that young man. XD

  7. I know its been awhile since i heard from you. I just want to tell ya happy Birthday to ya Toshio. Hope you are doing Well.

  8. Ryoucchi are you alright? I heard they was an earthquake happen recently In Indonesia.  :-S


    hope you doing ok Man.  :-(

    1. Kazagami


      It didn't happen in the area i'm living in, so i'm okay.


      Thanks for the concern man :)

    2. Galvatron


      No problem. im glad your alright. :-)


      Earthquakes are scary..... it can happen anywhere anytime..  :-S

  9. happy Birthday to ya Man! I hope you enjoying this day. :goodmood:

    1. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      Thanks, Galva. :)

  10. Anwsome day full of birthdays I see.

    happy B-day too:



    Kaze No Ken


    Congrats to all you. :-)


  11. Happy Birthday to OMEGAPSYCHO


    Congrats! :-)

  12. Happy Birthday to you Man! Congrats!!! :-)

  13. Happy Birthday to ya Man! Congrats. :-D

  14. ...Also Happy Birthdays to:


    Mettaton EX






    Congratz to all of you. :-)

  15. Happy Birthday to ya Man! :-)

  16. Happy Birthdays to:


  17. Happy birthday Toaster. :-D



  18. Happy Birthday to ya Ricepigeon I hope you having a good one. :-)

  19. Woah! alot birthdays today...

    Well Happy Birthday to:











    Congrats to you all! :-)
  20. Damn! I been playing SSB "for glory"

    I forgot about those Ganon-cides LOL! XD



  21. Alright!  Now that I fixed the Circle-pad on my 3DS I can play smash again. :-)


    Can't wait to try Bayonetta when she is released next month. :goodmood:

    1. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      That's good to hear.


      I know, I'm really looking forward to playing as her.

  22. R.I.P. Fire Emblem 'Amie' minigame for the US.


    Japan always has the good stuff.. :-P



    1. SSBKing65✯


      I'm real grateful that we Kingdom Hearts fans got all the Final Mixes in English years later, but you just cant take away something like all that content and boss battles. Hopefully they'll reconsider your minigame, that's just one thing, FM had a lot of additions.

    2. Galvatron


      Well its not really a big deal. its pretty much a simulation to up the relationship between the protagonist of the game and his troops considering one of them can become his or her soul-mate for the rest of the game which ups their Survival.

      Other then that Im not really surprised if they end up cutting it out anyway for the US and other western regions. :-P

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      i dont even play Fire emblem but i hate it when we get snubbed content for any reason that does not involve copyright issues. THERE IS NO EXCUSE!

  23. You gotta be kidding me:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Galvatron


      @Dylanius the Kirby:

      Well the game is only for Japan (for now) maybe another year it could be ported to other regions. :-P

    3. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      Call me when a Detective Hypno game comes out

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest
  24. Happy Birthday to Noctis.


    Congrats. :-)

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