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Status Updates posted by Galvatron

  1. GOOOOD!!!!!! MOOOOUUURNING!!! MFFA!!!!!! ...[Echoing Accross the Board]...

    1. FlipSide


      Good Morning . Wheres Breakfast ?

  2. Well I guess I'll turn in for tonight. [Yawn!!] Goodnight Everybody ....[Lays in Bed]... ..zzzzzzzz..

    1. Ryon


      why do people leave there beds in the middle of the living room! GOD!

  3. Whoa!! what a storm. I was knocked out of the internet for awhile but I'm back online now. =)

    1. Clannad666341


      Same goes for me for some reasons

    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      The chat room dont want me there atm =\

    3. FlipSide
  4. Wow! I just realize I became a MUGENITE. :D So do I get a sword and Shield? XD [joking]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FlipSide


      Well i Have A Stick , Thats It .

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Creator rank with a nice looking green name =P tho i will like a draker green.

    4. Galvatron


      Hahaha! XD

      Thanks all of you!

  5. I was playing Pokemon BW2 in challange mode. Man! That world tornament Triple battle Is very hard especially dealling with the gym leaders from other regions that you thought some of them are easy but you get your ass handed to you Like Kasumi/Misty her Starmie is a beast and can be hard to deal with, but over all pretty good challange in the game. =)

    1. Kanbei


      thats nothing compaired to Red,Steven and Cynthia. They murder you in a heartbeat.

  6. Man! im glad i'm off work tomarrow. :) What a day!

  7. Woah! I been getting Alot of SQL errors on this site. To much traffic maybe? =(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mister Fael
    3. Galvatron


      Maybe I need to update my Browser (using "FireFox" by the way) =I

    4. FlipSide
  8. Man! I hav'nt played "Dark Cloud 2" for a long time. I forgotten how good this Action-RPG was. From Upgrading weapons, to Fishing, playing spherda (golf) mini-game, kicking and shoting enemies asses as you go along. This is Great!! XD

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Loved that game.

  9. .........zzzzzzzz......zzzzzzzzzzz.......ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!.....................zzzzzzz.....................


  11. (sigh) work,work,work,work,work. :(

  12. I see Ika musume is going to have a little partner (0:14)

  13. Ranked Up!!! but I still got ways to go in this forum community. XD

    1. Mister Fael
    2. Galvatron


      Thank you! Fael-chan

  14. HE'S A FIGHTING ROOBOOOT!!! *do,do,do, doooo!!!* MEGA-MAN!! XD

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      old news pal

    2. Galvatron


      I know, its just excites me when I see this video. :)

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic
  15. GuuyyyVeeeerrr!!!!

  16. Are you kidding Me!! Their going to be a "sword pokemon" :

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kazagami


      Then i thought, pokemon types were elemental based

    3. Ryon


      whats wrong with honedge?

    4. Galvatron


      You know what will be trip-out while trainers use "honedge" to defeat pokemon to gain EXP it actrully taking their souls and soon it will become like "Soul edge" Then afterwards it will keep getting stronger until the spirit of the sword forms a wicked armored ghostly body like "Nightmare". XD

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