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A person

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  1. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums The creature was hit by the powerful blast, being unable to move out of the way. It could be heard making a sound that almost sounded like a low yell. What was left behind was nothing more than a puddle of purple goo. The arm that was sliced had also turned into the same goo. Muireann, meanwhile, stared at the puddle for a moment, waiting to see if it something else was going to happen. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis: No, I've got it. Just keep an eye outside. She proceeded to open the door all the way. Upon hearing and seeing Seraph, she waved at him. Idealis: Heya, Seraph! Glad to see you made it out of that fight in one piece! Idealis let out a sigh. Idealis: Does the bad news ever stop coming? Why can't we just get one thing done and get a break afterwards? Ugh... She flipped some hair from out of the front of her face. Idealis: Let me guess...we have to find this guy and kill him off before he causes something else that we'll have to fix, right?
  2. This was definitely a cause for concern. Idealis: Umm...sure, I guess? She got up from her hiding spot and, still keeping an ear out for any strange noises from the window, proceeded to walk over to the door and open it slightly, just enough to allow her to peer out at him. Idealis: Soooo...how did you know where we were and why do you want to talk?
  3. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums Muireann examined the situation, the arm beginning to hover back towards what looked to be the creature's torso. Her visor slid back out. Muireann: Altruism of 15K is...appreciated... She turned her attention to the torso and arm that was lleft of the creature; it appeared that its legs were blown off in the explosion, yet it still refused to die. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis turned hear head towards the door as the sound of knuckles being rapped upon it echoed through the room, the suspicious girl raising an eyebrow. Idealis: Eh? Who's there?
  4. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn ???: I don't know how they feel about it, but as long as you're with them, it's fine! Just try not to wake up any other customers, okay? Meanwhile, outside of the inn, a figure stood close to the door, looking into the building. They were ignoring the fighting going on close by. ???: (A group of people not from this world...it seems that they actually managed to bring in the cavalry they wanted after all, then. I guess the time is right, anyhow...now, for me to gather my own cavalry.) The mysterious figure proceeded to walk off, whistling quietly as the snow crunched beneath them. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums Muireann would find herself being pushed to the ground by 15K, the woman taking a rather heavy fall as the arm narrowly missed her. She grunted as she hit the ground. Muireann: Explaination for 15K's action required.
  5. The visor on her head slid back into the headband, signalling that she was close to resting, or possibly something else. Muireann: ... Suddenly, the arms of the creature came flying out from the smoke left behind by the explosion, trails of smoke coming from behind them. One was headed right for Shadow Wolf's back, whilst the other was flying right at Muireann's back, both with the bladed part at the front, making them almost like spears flying through the air.
  6. Muireann: Under...stood...will await...escort... Muireann: I...shall seek repairs...when I...return... The explosion was quite sizable and caused a small shockwave to travel through the area, one far more powerful than it should have been. The explosion itself also caused several windows on buildings and cars around to shatter.
  7. Idealis let out a sigh, though it was hard to tell if it was one of relief, exhaustion, or annoyance. Idealis: So, let me get this straight...your brother came to kill the both of you, but you both managed to fight him off, causing him to leave this..."army" and "Heaven" out of apparent humiliation. And you're obviously not worried about him hunting you both down when you're both unaware and avenging his honor, so I guess that's of no concern for any of us, right? Idealis: And then it turns out that Seraph, the guy that's one of the coldest in "Heaven" and the least open, is actually really clingy to Agni for some unknown reason. Are you sure that loneliness is the problem here? I imagine he could've easily found someone else more...mmm...fitting, for lack of a better term, to be a sort of brother to him. And don't get me started on how everyone else around him is...pretty much the same way, just on a hopefully somewhat lesser scale. She stopped for a moment and sent a judging glance at Elizabeth before continuing. Idealis: It just doesn't make sense to me no matter how I try to piece it together. Even factoring in how long they've been together, it's still hard for me to believe that they just had a normal friendship that expanded into a brotherly bond. This guy sounds like he would slay an entire army just to get to Agni if they stood in his way. Frustrated, she groaned and fell upon her bed, gazing up at the ceiling. Idealis: (They call themselves angels, but are they really deserving of that title? It sounds more like the place is run by a bunch of gifted people with personal problems...someone needs to have a talk with the gods in charge up there. And then the possibility of a manipulator among us being a future problem...Iago would be so useful right now...) Suddenly, three bright flashes occurred outside of the window, accompanied by shattering sounds for each one, causing Idealis to shoot up and look outside of the window. Idealis: These witches are taking their fights way too- She quickly slid off of the bed and hid behind it as a person dressed in thick clothing slammed against the window back-first and fell down, the window somehow remaining undamaged, but a loud sound coming from the impact. Outside, a group of people surrounding the fight in an arc could be seen and heard cheering, someone else standing in front of the arc proudly, possibly waiting for the person that was just thrown away to get up.
  8. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums The creature swiped at Muireann once again, though she was able to hop back and away from the attack, causing it to be hit by the bullet and for its body to quickly become petrified, its movements halting, though the arms were still floating in place despite the fact that they were stone. Muireann glanced at 15K. Muireann: Threat neutralized. She then proceeded to contact Hakumen. Muireann: Threat has been neutralized by Shadow Wolf. Awaiting further orders... Her voice could be heard gaining inflection for a moment. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn The girl at the front counter smiled at the big man despite his rather menacing appearance. ???: There sure was! You wouldn't happen to be with them, would you?
  9. Muireann saw what the android was doing, and the arms were definitely a cause for concern. Muireann: 15K must keep its distance at this point in time; the arms of the creature seem to share the same traits as the weapons of the royal guards. And the creature's right arm was coming right down at 15K's head and upper body, threatening to cleave into it and turn it into slag. Wanting to prevent this from happening, Muireann proceeded to charge right at the creature with her shield, the shield slamming into its torso and knocking it back, though the left arm managed to cut into her shield, leaving behind a slag-layered hole and narrowly missing her torso.
  10. The knives bounce off of the creature's body, leaving small marks behind where they struck it. The arms were now attached to the body once again, causing the creature to let out another gasping sound. The fireball behind them hit the ground and exploded, most likely blowing 15K away, but only pushing Muireann towards the creature slightly. Muireann: Understood. Taking note of the creature's arms, Muireann kept her shield up, but also kept her distance. If she was to create an opening, it would require both her and 15K to ensure it at this point. Meanwhile, the creature began its approach towards Muireann, marching beyond two cars that had been flipped onto their sides from a previous fireball exploding.
  11. The body proceeded to lob a large fireball into the air, it beginning to quickly come down in an arc from the air. Muireann's shield slamed into the body, causing the same whooo sound to be heard again and for the body to reel back. The two arms could be seen flying to it rather quickly, both approaching from left and right, respectively.
  12. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums The two arms began to fly back to the body after having successfully snuffed out their life flames. Muireann approached the creature, causing it to unleash a lightning bolt at her, though it would be deflected into a random direction by her armor. The creature backed away again, a fiery aura forming around it. Muireann: I shall corral the threat into a secluded alleyway as it attempts to use magic and both I and 15K shall trap it within the alleyway, leaving it no way to escape. It will continue to use magic upon me and will only focus upon me, so 15K is safe when following through with this plan. She steeled herself in preparation for the next attack. Muireann: 15K may attack freely, given the current circumstances. She then charged directly at the creature with her shield in front of her. CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout Penelope: Wooow, that's awesome! She then caught the "master" remark. Penelope: Erm..."master"? Are you into that servant thing people like to do? Do you make him food and stuff when he asks for it? The commander interrupted her. ???: Allow me to stop you right there. By "master", I believe she is referring to a mentor highly skilled in a specific art she wishes to learn, not something to do with a fetish, Penelope. Penelope: Oh, right! Heh heh...silly me... The commander sighed. ???: Well, since we are on the topic right now, would you mind if I were to ask which art he is...or was, I suppose...teaching you, Lucina? I am quite interested in learning more myself. Penelope: Annnnnd, we'll gladly help to find him! MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis looked completely horrified for a moment, then her horror turned into anger. She ignored Elizabeth's current downward spiral and glared sharply at Magnum. Idealis: He...supported you...in killing your own brother? She was an only child, but the mere thought of killing her own sibling, if she even had one, was enough to cause her to clench a fist, it beginning to shake. She sent it down at the bed. Idealis: I'm sorry, but I have nothing more to say on the matter. Anything else has to be directed towards Agni at this point, and I would prefer if it were done in private. Let's just move onto something else... She took a deep breath, calming herself down, then faced Magnum again. Idealis: I guess I should ask about your relationship to Seraph as well. He seems like a complete opposite to you, so...I'm really curious about that as well.
  13. The arms quickly follow up their attacks after having lost the frost aura from the attack landing and proceeded to swing horizontally at the now slowed guards, attempting to, once again, end them in an instant. Meanwhile, Muireann arrived at the location, and slid into a proper defensive stance with both her shield and swordspear(lance) raised. Muireann: Threat displays massive power. Employing defensive measures. 15K, I was told to cooperate with you to detain this threat. Neutralization is key; only eliminate if necessary. The body proceeded to send a spray of icicles at Muireann, now once again ignoring 15K, though she held her ground, the icicles breaking upon contact with her armor. The body backed away by a step, now gaining an electric aura.
  14. The body gained a cold aura. The electric bolt's path curved downwards slightly to follow his movements, but narrowly missed him, slamming into the ground just inches away from his left foot. The clanking of heavy metal upon the ground could be heard approaching quickly, the body immediately turning in the direction of the sound.
  15. The creature was struck by the object, causing a strange whooo sound to come from it and for it to reel back, though the object itself fell to the ground. The body immediately retaliated by sending an electric bolt directly at the android.
  16. Muireann: Understood. Will employ non-lethal force against threat. The knight picked up her pace. The creature, meanwhile, let out another strange gasping sound before releasing the arms once more, the arms beginning to pursue the guards in flight, though they seemed to have gained the frosty aura the body once had. The body proceeded to turn towards 15K, an electric aura forming around it. Instead of approaching him, however, it remained still, as though it were gauging him.
  17. Muireann: Understood. Approaching location. The knight began her approach to the location in question. Meanwhile, the two arms flew back to the body, both now gaining an electric aura with the body. Despite the smokescreen, it seemed like it was able to see the guards trying to use it as cover. The arms pointed at one guard each and fired off fast-moving lightning bolts, one at each, which also happened to drain the aura, though it was soon replaced by a frost one. The pebble struck the creature, though it uselessly bounced off of it. The creature did not turn its attention to the android, however; it seemed more focused upon the guards attempting to flee the scene.
  18. From her point in the center of the slums, Muireann receives the contact attempt and responds accordingly. Muireann: Awaiting orders. Meanwhile, the arms removed themselves from the cars, and proceeded to fly above them, once again flying down at the guards hiding behind them from above. Meanwhile, the torso proceeded to lob a massive fireball into the air that began to quickly descend towards the ground. It gained an electric aura directly afterwards.
  19. The body walked through the explosion, seemingly unscathed as the arms attacked, one flying at one guard shooting at it, the other flying at the other guard shooting at it, and each swinging at the torso of each guard, aiming for a quick cleave for a swift kill. The bullets seemed to ricochet off of the scrolling lights that made up the "vents" on the arms. The body, meanwhile, proceeded to summon an icy vortex in front of itself which began shooting out icicles at the two other guards focusing upon it. Following this, the body gained a fiery aura, beginning to move closer towards the guards focusing upon it with increased speed.
  20. ???: ᴀ͉̭̬̘̣̇͐͗̄̏̂̌̃̀ᴖ̸̊̆͒͏̼̘̱̜̟̻̰̫͘ͅᶃ̶̢̯͙͈͉̗̪̻͑ͬᶿ̛̬̤̫͚̹͔̤̫̆͆͐̎ͦ̒̈̀ᶒ̤͙̯̻̫͕̯͐ͦ̋ͭ͂͞ᵼ̧̹̝̗̝͍̝̓̊͋͆̊̒ᴶ̘͓̣̪̦̭̰̒ͬ͗͑͛̿ͪ̀̕͝ᶴ̴̩͈̤̞̱̰͌̽͠ᴹ̨͖͎̳̺͑̽͂̒͋̽̂ͅᴓ̶̟͊ͬ͋̇͋͒̈͟ᶐ͖̻̍̾̕ᴈ̣̫̤̘̥̣̦̠ͨ̃̀͗̿̄̕͡ᴡ͈̺́́̿ͧ͒ͥ͋̇ͯ͡͡ᵳ̱̹̳̾ͣͦ͡͞ᴽ̷̳̮ͭ̑͂̋ It spoke in an unknown language, if it could even be called an unknown language. Without hesitating, the creature detached its arms from its body, the arms flying at the guards and swinging the glowing, bladed appendages at the guards attempting to impede its progress. Meanwhile, the body began to approach them, a frosty aura forming around it.
  21. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis proceeded to close the door behind herself and approached her bed, sliding back onto it and gazing at Magnum. She tried her best to make herself seem as friendly and open to him as possible. After all, this was going to be a way for her to also connect with those she was going to lead. Idealis: So, I'm pretty curious about Agni and you. When I first saw you two, you both looked pretty close, almost like brothers, so...I'm kinda curious: how long have you known each other? MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Main Street Amidst the hustle and bustle of those within the city, a hole in the fabric of space itself suddenly tore open, seemingly without the aid of anyone's magic. A mysterious voice came from it. ???: .̰̞͙̝̳̬͈͍͘.͟͝͏͍̙̦̼.̵͇̠̲͇̠̼̻̭͜ͅk̺͖̰͖̪̤͈͈͞͝ͅí̢͙̼͕̣̩̪̕ͅl̮͙̭̪l̩̪̦ ̡̝̙͔̲̠͈̞͔ý̫̺͕o̵͞҉̬u̪̘͟.̢̙̤̲͍̞̕͢.̧̟̩̠͙̪̱͓.͉͈̖̠̙͈̕ͅ A mysterious creature suddenly popped out of the portal, but before it could be of any threat to anyone, several witches gathered upon it and blew it away with their magic, the hole repairing itself behind it. One of those in attendance spoke up. ???: That was far too easy...did anyone see what it looked like? CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout Penelope: Woooow...did you guys get to stop him? Orrrr...did this prevent that? CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums In the middle of the silence of the night in the slums, a hole in the fabric of space suddenly tore open, followed by a mysterious voice. ???: .҉̫̮͖̙̘͘.҉͙̙̞̖.͙͎͍͡a͏̝̤̱̰̕l̵͍̺̝͘l̰̻̤ ͙̹͟s̸̩̺̻̙̖͝h͙͎̭̭̞̼͞ͅa҉̘͕̺̫l͟͏̵̠͕l̡̹̫ ̬͙͢͡b̢̹̀e̲̞͇͓̮̻͇ͅ ̵̟͖̦b̶͙͖̖̲̯̠̘͎͚́a̸̗͈͙̯͜n̸͎̫͇̕͠i̸̙̖͍͚s̗̥h̫̩͍͙͕̜̥̬͟͞ͅe̢̥͓̮̳̤̟̤͡d̹̭̹͎͍̀͠.̙̞̻͚͈̼̀̕͘.̶̧̧̫͓͍̙̼.̶͉ A single creature slid out from the hole and landed in the middle of a silent street, letting out what sounded like a distorted gasp. With a goal given to it, it began its search for any flame of life to smother, the hole repairing itself behind it.
  22. Idealis: It was a thought that crossed my mind, but it's too simple of an explanation. If Elizabeth was right about LightFlare picking up on things like that, then maybe she was just being paranoid. However, she found herself remembering Hera's story once more. Idealis: I have a feeling that there's something else afoot here, and not just a silver-tongued manipulator trying to get his way with everyone around him. Think about it, though; those three are related to one another, right? I think you already know how, but I guess I'll have to worry about that later. Idealis: Good idea! Let me see if I can grab him for a moment... She slid off of the bed and quietly walked towards the door into their room, pulling it open slowly and peering out of it to search for Magnum. Idealis: Magnum, is that you?
  23. CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout The commander and her two followers followed behind Lucina, Penelope taking the lead once more. Penelope: Soooo, what's it like in Valm? Is there lots of fighting there? Do you have to train a lot there? Are the people savages?! The commander could only shake her head at her questions. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis nodded her head, understanding her plight. Idealis: Of course, the dumb heroic act...I guess that could explain it. However... Idealis: You said he was friends with Agni as well, for even longer than you have. If I had to guess, I think Agni had something to do with that personality of his...and possibly his explosive reaction. Idealis: Admittedly, what I've seen of Agni so far isn't really much to go by, but I can say that I've seen enough to know that there's definitely cause for concern with him. The primary thing that I'm worried about is how his friends seem to hardly ever challenge him, they're just his...yes-men. They always coddle him, they always defend him, they always want to get on his good side. Why? What's so special about him that makes everyone want to get as close to him as possible? On top of that, don't they realize what they could be doing? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's a narcissistic bastard and nobody knows it because they're too busy coddling him to notice it. But... She let out a heavy sigh. She knew her choice would probably lead to a lot of trouble down the line, but it was one that had to be made before her concerns became true. Idealis: ...I guess the only way to find out is to approach him about it directly, and I feel as though I'm the only one fit to do it. She also had another concern in the back of her mind; hearing about Athena and her ability to manipulate people with just a whisper made her think about what Agni was possibly doing to those around him. Maybe they weren't his friends, but, rather, were...
  24. CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout Before the commander could speak again, Penelope spoke up. Penelope: I knew it! Nobody dre- The commander forcefully shoved Penelope aside to send a message. ???: Before she digs herself into a hole she cannot climb out of, allow me to cut her off. ???: Now, as I was going to say...there are some things that need not be revealed until the time is right. Penelope here has a bleeding heart; I, on the other hand, lack such a thing. The information we have so far cannot be revealed just anywhere; only those who are relevant to the current affairs should be given it. Some of her hair fall in front of her face as she spoke, so she flipped it aside. ???: Fortunately, you are one of those people, but, unfortunately, we are in a public setting. If we can find some way to gather those related to the events of the slums into one room, then we may be able to cooperate and form some sort of plan of action to rid the slums of these..."knights"...and I am certain our talents will be of good use to you and your friends for such a plan. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis closed the door behind her and walked over to her bed, slipping off her boots before sitting down upon her bed. Idealis: I'm sure she did. Although, I wonder if they've managed to find their way to us by now. Idealis: But I'm more concerned about Magnum. He seems to have no emotional control. She turned away and sneezed. Idealis: Excuse me. Anyway, what we did was pretty small, don't you think? A few harsh words shouldn't have made him get so protective if he had things under control in that head of his...which also makes me wonder about something else... Idealis: ...he's friends with Agni, right? Like you are?
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