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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. How come I have to keep logging in despite telling the website to remember me?

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Last time we got this bug it was because Bluehost's Varnish caching system didn't play well with our forum software, so disabling the server side caching on the hosts end did the trick.  So I'm HOPING this is just happening because Bluehost is trying to deal with a ton of holiday traffic.

      Aaand yep.  I checked the host, and it looks like Bluehost had an issue a couple days ago that must've reset our caching back to on.  So I turned it back off, cleared the cache on the server side, cleared the forums cache, and it looks like we're back to normal.

  2. Party Trial: Team 2, Right Flank Penelope: I'll go take a peek in the big metal box! Penelope started on her way towards the box, an arcane shield forming in front of her. By how dim the purple mana which it consisted of looked, it was clear that it was a weak barrier, good enough for maybe one or two hits from physical attacks. Party Trial: Team 1, Maid Defense Squad Emilia: Very well. Now, let us quickly get into position before our guests arrive. Emilia proceeded to guide the maid over to the wall in front of Hugh's hiding spot, then, without considering that it would've been better for Hugh to guide the maid instead of her and after she managed to get her there, proceeded to quietly run to her hiding spot behind the small room towards the southern-most point of the warehouse.
  3. Party Trial: Team 2 Penelope: Ehehe...I know I haven't seen everything she can do, so she definitely hasn't seen everything I can do! Penelope: Let's get that princess back to the castle ASAP! Penelope followed behind Joyce at a distance. Were anything to happen to the leader of the left flank, she would have a chance to save herself if she didn't notice an incoming attack before she could shield her. Party Trial: Team 1 Emilia: It is simple, really. We give them what they desire... She started to move the maid towards the bottom-right wall. She then noticed Kiri's smoke and let out a sigh. Emilia: ...a rather short-lived plan, I suppose. Luckily, I have another in mind. I can work with his smoke. Emilia: With the others on the front line, they will be able to hold off many of them, but not all of them. Therefore, I believe we should keep the maid hidden behind this wall. Those who manage to penetrate the front line defense and make it back here will most likely scan the area, so I suggest that we hide behind the crevices created by these walls and this room behind the wall the maid is posted at. Since you are more viable up close, I suggest that you hide here. She pointed to the hideout in the bottom right corner. Emilia: Meanwhile, I shall hide there, since I know that I'll be able to the cover the distance between me and the maid fast enough. She pointed to the slim room towards the back of the area, more specifically, another, smaller cubbyhole. Emilia: With this, they will only have one way to come from and go to in order to retrieve the maid, and we will both be hidden from view at the same time. So when they come to retrieve the maid...you will be able to take out one or more, and I will be able to supplement that and most likely catch them off-guard due to the most easily satisfied of their team. I know that it relies upon the intelligence, or lack thereof, of their team, mostly, but since there are only two of us, and there are many obstacles in their way, it is likely the most viable strategy. What do you think?
  4. Party Trial: Team 1 Emilia, a plan slowly forming within her head, made her way towards the Mecha-Hisui, brandishing her sword as she stayed close to it. This round was most likely going to be disastrous for both sides, so formulating a proper plan for the next one would aid them greatly. Emilia: With no plan, they are only relying on luck. And with so many spellswords aiding the enemy, I doubt luck favors them in even the slightest way...let us hope that they somehow bring a swift halt to their assault before they reach us. In fact...I have an idea. Emilia proceeded to take the left hand of the robotic maid. Emilia: Some of them seem to have the capability of considering our possible plan of action, and I do not doubt that they have concluded that many of us will be in hiding. Now, considering the fact that they are surely rushing here as we speak, how about we try something...out of the ordinary, Hugh? Party Trial: Team 2 Penelope: Eeeeeehh....Emilia's reeeeeeally good with a sword, and she's got magic, too, like reflecty spells and stuff...I can hold her off for a bit, but I can't take her out alone! Penelope: Buuuut...I bet I could lure her out and use traps to get her! The gears in her head spun into overdrive. Penelope: Eeeeeven better! A lot of you guys can use shooty stuff and magic to distract 'em while I lay some traps down in the central area the sword and fist people can deal with the big guys during that, and when I'm done, we reel 'em right into Boomtown! How's that, huh? Penelope: We've still got plenty of time before we gotta charge in, so lemme know what ya guys think! Despite what she said, she started to get into her previously assigned position, seemingly pulling a large wooden sword that was nearly taller than her from the air and grasping the hilt, holding it at her right side. It was as if she knew her plan was going to be immediately shot down.
  5. Emilia: I concur. This shall be a most enjoyable battle! Emilia: We had already given a brief description of our abilities before you three arrived, but I suppose it would not hurt to go over them once again. I am a user of swordplay, and happen to have a grasp of the arcane arts, mostly of the offensive type. I am capable of attacking both up close and at a distance, but I prefer close combat as that is where I excel the most, though I would not call myself the best nor the fastest sword user. Penelope: My turn! I fight with a huge sword up close and use magic at a distance, though I'm really good with protection and stuff, so don't hesitate to come to me if you want a shield or something because that's what I'm best at! I'm ready to get in there and show them just how awesome I...no...WE are! Penelope: Let's go, go, goooo! She started to make her way to the northern side of the arena. She was ready for this, especially since she would be able to kill two birds with one stone if they happened to win.
  6. Emilia gestured towards Penelope, who nodded and proceeded to split off from the team and move towards the other one. Afterwards, Emilia proceeded to speak up. Emilia: I am fairly skilled in swordplay and have a grasp of the arcane arts as well, mostly with offensive abilities. I do not consider myself awfully fast, but I do have considerable speed with my weapon. However, I feel as though using any kind of weapon would be...unfavorable. Will we not injure each other if we are to do so, even if one strike is all that is necessary? As Penelope was making her way to the other team, she proceeded to wave at them and shouted. Penelope: Yoooooo!
  7. Maybe we'll get better Elsword MUGEN characters in the future?

  8. Penelope pouted. Penelope: Hey, I'm coming with her! I can do stuff, too! The commander chuckled. ???: Of course. I am Emilia, of the family Abaelard. I hope that we will be able to work together and form bonds that even the Sword of Fate is incapable of splitting, and I am eager to see just how capable everyone is! Penelope moved onto herself next, moving over to Emilia's left side. Penelope: And I'm Penelope! I've been having lots of fun since I've been here, but I can tell that this is gonna be sooo awesome! She started to hop around. Penelope: Aaaaah, I can't wait to get started! Meanwhile, the "Black Knight" stepped aside, making its way towards the exit without a word on the matter.
  9. The commander chuckled. ???: I suppose it could be, but perhaps that can be discussed at a later time. Besides that, please, lead the way. I hope that it is also okay for me to take some time to learn more about this facility along the way. Penelope looked like she was going to explode with excitement if she had to wait any longer.
  10. The commander proceeded to speak up. ???: Not quite. Our party happened to rescue a few of your associates from an incident within the slums involving you-know-who. We just so happened to be investigating the area and managed to get them out just in time. That being said... ???: ...I believe that we all happen to have the same goal in the end, so it would be a pleasure to work with you all on this matter. I shall properly introduce myself once we arrive at the meeting area as I do have plenty of information to relay. Penelope proceeded to interject. Penelope: So do I! This'll be awesome! Meanwhile, the robot that stood to the right of the commander remained silent, like a guardian spirit that hovered behind its master, unwilling to speak to those she seemed unfamiliar with.
  11. Idealis chuckled at Elizabeth's response. Idealis: Sorry about that, Lizzy! I didn't wanna wake you up since you looked like you were enjoying yourself! Idealis: But, anyway, good morning, you three! I managed to get a nice rest; what about you? Idealis: Heh, I understand. The only thing I can say is to at least try to go into it with a smile for as long as you can. She was no good at the optimism thing, but it was at least worth a try. After all, there was food, and she was always happy when there was food.
  12. ???: Your hospitality is greatly appreciated. I will ensure that none of us overstep our boundaries. The commander removed her hand from Penelope's mouth and began to make her way to the maid, followed quietly by the robotic knight. Penelope: Thanks, big guy! Penelope proceeded to follow behind the commander, eager to see what was within.
  13. ???: I imagine they would have no need for a drone to observe the actions of their own. If their own soldiers were so incompetent and untrustworthy, their organization would have crashed and burned by now.
  14. Penelope proceeded to wave at him, but the commander clasped a hand over her mouth before she could talk. ???: We heard that you may be interested in the occurrences at the slums, and we just so happen to also be interested. May we come in to discuss this in a...more private location?
  15. Penelope proceeded to wave at him. Penelope: Heeeeey, are you the big guy for this place? You look the part! Anyway, we need to get in there right now! It's super urgent! ???: I see...and a sharpshooter, you say? It seems that there is more going on under our noses than I previously thought... ???: ...nevertheless, I concur; I imagine we will require as much aid as we can possibly gather, and if the figurehead of this facility seeks the same goal as us, then his aid will no doubt be necessary.
  16. Penelope pouted as she came to the door. Penelope: 'Cause it's importaaaaaaaant! We have to get in right now! The commander proceeded to take the reins in this conversation. ???: That may be so. We happen to know...probably far more than intended from our trek through the slums. The explosion that occurred last night also piqued my interest, but I was not able to discover a possible cause, only a result. Penelope gasped. Penelope: You snuck out and didn't say anything about it?! That's mean! I wanted to come along! ???: I am certain you would not have wanted to ruin your sleeping schedule. Penelope: Oh...riiiiiight...heheheh... The commander returned her attention to Shrike. ???: Anyway, it is safe to assume that you, too, have done reconnaissance with the slums, correct? If so, I believe that there are others within which also hold even more valuable info, so I believe that if we can perhaps share our info with one another, we may be able to form a suitable plan for eliminating the threat within. What do you say, Miss?
  17. A person


    I've waited a long time for this! I'm trying her out right now. EDIT: Finally managed to play her after far too much difficulty in getting things to work. She plays as close to the source as you can get in MUGEN, and I'm really happy to see how much attention was paid to detail(the way she walks even mimics the way she walks in the source game) and how some things were fixed(such as an infinite involving the strong Water Splash attack). It also looks like some additional stuff was put in, such as a grab and a taunt, and it helps make the experience better than the source game(which is good because throws would've helped a lot in that game as one of my main characters, Jenny, would often be put in really bad spots since a lot of her attacks would leave her wide open if they were blocked), but it also makes Sera into a very dangerous character since she could already be very aggressive in combat. All in all, a very well-made character that I'm very excited to have in my roster!
  18. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn ???: I do apologize for the disorder that awoke some late in the night; I shall be certain that such behavior does not occur in or around this inn at any time in the future. Now, please, enjoy your food, and feel free to take as much as you wish. He proceeded to bow gently, but kept his place at the counter. Idealis soon took notice of them. Idealis: There you guys are! I thought you were all still asleep, but I guess the smell of food is good enough to wake up anyone, isn't it?
  19. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Downstairs, the usual girl that sat at the front counter was instead replaced by an older male dressed in very elegant clothing that seemed to have been maintained very well as not even a piece of stray lint could be seen upon it, and the fabric that it seemed to be made of was smoothed so many times that not a single strand stuck out from it. His face showed years of chiseling from countless hours of work in many high-ranking positions under many lords, and his eyes told the story of a man who had seen events, some of which he had wished he had never seen. His hair had been slicked back and stood out save for two strands of lazy hair which seemed to bend just the right way for them to match his hair. It was as if this man had toiled for hours on his look. ???: Good morning. I apologize for the interruption last night; this kingdom is victim to ruffians who wander the streets during celebrations that oft occur here. Excessive amounts of mana seem to influence their rampant appearance. However, I do pray you were all able to sleep well despite their inconsiderate behavior. I have already prepared breakfast; please do be certain that you consume a sufficient amount of food as Jack Frost intends on striking our kingdom with a bitter cold unlike any other. He bowed, and gestured towards a long table covered with trays and plates with lids upon them that allowed one to view the foodstuffs upon them, along with various canisters and jars filled with liquids. It was clear that they were all breakfast dishes: breads, flapjacks, hot cakes, pancakes, waffles, eggs, meats, soups, sliced fruits, juices, teas, coffees, and an assortment of sauces, butters, syrups, and various other condiments. It was clear that other people had also hit the table as many of the containers were rather short on food. In fact, there was already another person helping themselves to a plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon from the table. There were plates, bowls, and utensils that could be used to carry, contain, and consume the food available. Idealis, who had managed to sneak her way downstairs, was already preparing to grab something to eat herself. Idealis: Thank you so much, sir! She was currently unaware of anyone else nearby. CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout Entrance With a new day breaking in, the commander had figured that it was time for them to return to the hangout. With little discussion needed in dragging Penelope and the robot along for the ride, the trio were already fast approaching the entrance into the facility, so Penelope proceeded to take the lead and flag down the robotic maid at the entrance, waving her hands in an attempt to get her attention. Penelope: Maid ladyyyyy! Can we go in now?! It's importaaaaaaant!
  20. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis opened her eyes slowly as the sunlight crept in from the window, bathing the entire bedroom in its golden light. Idealis slowly opened her eyes as the rays of light flashed upon her eyelids, and groaned, speaking to herself in a low voice. Idealis: Ugh, sunlight...I don't like it... Forced by the impatience of the sun to bring an abrupt end to her lovely dream, she proceeded to sit up in bed, still quite groggy from being woken up before she was ready. With no reason to stay in bed any longer, she got out of bed and began getting dressed as quietly as possible, so as not to awaken the sleeping demon in the bed adjacent to hers. As she was preparing for the torturing day that lay ahead of them, she would find her nostrils being raided by a rogue scent of deliciousness, one which caused her stomach to growl. Loudly. Both nervous and embarrassed by this, she, after finally putting on her coat over everything, proceeded to make her way out of the room, once again, as quietly as possible. Who knew what would happen if she accidentally awoke a demon, especially one that seemed to be as unstable as the one she decided to share a room with.
  21. Idealis: That's...a very ambitious goal. I think he was just saying it out of kindness, y'know, like everyone else usually does. Anyway... Idealis made her way back to her bed and sat down, letting out a sigh of relief. Idealis: ...what an exhausting day...and to think it's just going to get worse from here. She slid her coat and socks off, and proceeded to pull the blanket over herself, beginning to get comfortable. Idealis: I guess we're gonna be stuck here for the long run, aren't we? There's no hope in getting home early; with how many problems are cropping up, I know we're going to be in this far beyond the end of this so-called "threat"...it just shows all of the signs of being a never-ending loop. She yawned quietly. Idealis: But, I guess we should sleep on it for now and hope for the best tomorrow. Good night, Lizzy... And with that, she shut her eyes, beginning to doze off into a dreamland of optimism for the future.
  22. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums Muireann nods, and proceeds to begin following them to the point wordlessly. As of now, there were no more signs that she was on the verge of "breaking".
  23. CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums By now, the inflection in her voice had vanished. She approached the knight. Muireann: Understood. Awaiting movement. MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Elysia Inn Idealis scratched her head. Avoiding a potential threat wasn't something she did unless she knew she wasn't capable of taking it on, but by the sounds of it, with all of them together, they could easily take him on and deal with him before his antics became a problem. Idealis: This is how I feel about it: if there's a weed that's starting to grow, you have to pull it out of the ground. So what exactly is he capable of that would make him someone to wait on? Isn't he going to get stronger over time? On top of that, there's a lot of us, and what sounds like one of him, and everyone here's capable of something, so I doubt it'd be that much of an issue for us.
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