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A person

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Posts posted by A person

  1. Granted, but               now               the               sentence               has               too               much               space.


    I wish I could make things better by touching them.

  2. Granted, but it's an obvious beta when it gets released.

    I wish for the Steelers to win the next Super Bowl.

    Granted, but the team never wins another.


    Granted, but you use the EoH Template


    Granted, but he throws plastic knives instead.


    I wish could talk to horses


    Granted, but they all try to attack you.


    I wish I could play as Master Hand.

  3. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=94DCE023D818082E&id=94dce023d818082e!153


    Myoukou by 2580shota


    It's not very good either

    After looking at Hamakaze and seeing how buggy it was, I don't have very high hopes for this one, either. 


    EDIT:I was right.




    EXTREMELY weak attacks, hardly any sprite changing, and glitches galore, I can easily say that Hamakaze is leagues better even with its countless bugs. It was as if they didn't even try with it!

  4. Ooooh, this looks really cool! Definitely going to replace my current screenpack with this, because the one I use doesn't support HD, much to my dismay. Hopefully it sees the light of day!

  5. Oh! thats what it is. sorry to here its dying out. :-(


    Are you trying to get people back to it to keep it alive or do you think its far to late to recover it?


    Also whats the Link to this "Whirled" community

    Honestly, at this point in time, it's too late to revive it. Now what I'm trying to do is at least provide a spark for the roleplaying community to flourish one last time. Right now, it's just...utter garbage. 


    Here you are: http://www.whirled.com

  6. "Whirled"




    Is that one those online rpg games.??

    Not really, it's more of a...community game where the community makes most of the things you see, though it's slowly dying now because it's broken. :(

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