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Posts posted by A person

  1. 1 hour ago, Noctis said:

    Oh, no I WANT this feedback. This happening during Poison Breath I'd understand because I use an explod, but Shadow Flare? They use the same helper so it playing both really boggles me there. I'll check this out, thanks! Also, how'd you kill it through it's head when the hp bar is still full? ALSO interesting. Looking into that, too.

    I did deplete the head's HP bar fully, but sometimes if you kill it through the head, the HP will refill for some reason.

  2. Interesting...using the Demon's Crest Zombie Dragon for Zombone from FFV? I think I'm going to have to try this thing out, then, and considering your Metal Rear character, I'm sure this will be really good!


    EDIT: Not sure if you want to see this, but if you kill it while it's using Poison Breath or Shadow Flare, this happens sometimes:





  3. MADRichard's BMO 339 for sure, the BabyLon character(I think that's how it's spelled), 2580shota's characters for certain as most of them are broken messes, kal's MVC BlazBlue characters that are overpowered and can actually break during fights, Joey Faust's Pokemon characters...I can list off more, but I'll let others have that chance.

  4. 6 hours ago, Dylanius the Kirby said:

    I admire your determination to keep him accurate to the source material, but M.U.G.E.N isn't about power levels. It's about emulating a proper fighting game.

    I'd agree with you on that were it not for the fact that not all characters have to be balanced because it has to "emulate a proper fighting game." The character can be made in any way the author wants it to be, and if you don't like the way it is, well, just don't download it. I have plenty examples of characters that, in no way, emulate a proper fighting game.  Anyway, he looks pretty good right now. If I had the ability to, I'd gladly help you out with the sprites, but all I can offer are words of encouragement for now so hopefully you can get time to finish him soon!

  5. Everything is correct, but from experimenting further, I think you may be right about the stage having to be there. Only 2 order 2 characters appear now, and they're the only order 2 characters with stages. I'll set all characters with no stage to a random stage to see if that does anything.


    EDIT: It looks like that was the issue all along. Strange, considering that it isn't present in MUGEN 1.0, but it's present in this version.

  6. I found a character in order 30 on my roster, so I just fixed that. However, it doesn't explain that for my MUGEN 1.0. There are 188 characters in my MUGEN 1.0 that are in order 30, and none of them have appeared in any order they weren't supposed to be in. The only time it happened was when they were in order 99, and I haven't modified arcade.maxmatches or team.maxmatches in order to go up to order 30.


    EDIT: Even after lowering the order 30 character's order to 9, it still occurs as the first match I did in arcade pit me against an order 2 character instead of an order 1 character.

  7. Won't that cause issues, though? I looked at the tutorial for setting up the select.def, but it doesn't say that order should come before includestage. I'll see if it helps, though.


    EDIT: I don't think that's actually going to help in the slightest because this one:


    CastlevaniaSOTN_Alchemy-Lab_BOSSES, stages/AlchemyLab_BossStage.def, includestage=1, order=3


    appears in the proper order and it isn't in that format. I'm starting to think that this is an issue with numbers and not an issue with how my select.def is set up.

  8. Here's an example:


    PinkBeen, stages/stage0-720.def, music=sound/15_Equinox-Boss.mp3, order=5


    That's how it is in MUGEN 1.0, and it works perfectly fine. Some are even like this:


    drake,, order=2


    And it still works.


    However, here's an example of a character that appears in the proper order:


    Grizela, order=2


    And another:


    w_sonna/m11.def, stages/DFO_MythologicalBridge.def, includestage=0, order=2


    But this one does NOT appear in the proper order:


    Heart-GG-Remake, stages/DFO_MythologicalBridge.def, includestage=0, order=9


    So what you've shown an example of doesn't seem to apply to me as I have tried the no spaces method as well, but I still get the same issue.


    EDIT: This one also doesn't appear in the proper order:


    w_linne, order=9

  9. Are you sure? All of my characters have an order number now, but I'm seeing order 2 and order 3 characters appearing in order 1 on occasion. It also isn't like this in MUGEN 1.0, where my setup is like this:


    arcade.maxmatches = 10,9,1,8,5,1,1,0,0,0
    team.maxmatches = 10,9,1,8,5,2,1,0,0,0


    I only had the same problems in MUGEN 1.0 when characters were over order 30, but when the ones that weren't supposed to be fought were in order 30, the problems went away. Most of my characters in MUGEN 1.0 don't even have an order number, but characters still appear in their proper order.

  10. I've also found another issue with 1.1b1. I have my max matches set to 10,5,1 for arcade, yet I just played it out and I found something very interesting: There were 10 order 1 matches, and for the first few fights the correct order characters appeared, and then it was scrambled up. However, there were only 2 order 2 fights, both being with characters in that order, and then there was an order 3 fight with the correct character, and then Arcade was cleared. As opposed to there being 16 fights, there were only 13. I'm not sure what it is with 1.1b1, but something tells me the issue is hard-wired.

  11. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to get my MUGEN 1.1b1 to detect a character's order. It can pick up order 1, order 2, and order 3, but strangely, anything with an order above 3 appears in order 1. I'm not sure if I need characters in order 4, order 5, order 6, and so on in order for it to pick up order 9 or even order 30 characters, but I'm unsure if that would work. This never happened in MUGEN 1.0 as I have several order 30 characters that have never appeared in order 1, and I don't have any characters in any order between 7 and 30. Do all characters need an order number for MUGEN 1.1b1 to pick up all order numbers, or do I need a newer MUGEN 1.1 version for it to work? Thanks in advance.

  12. Ehh...I don't know...scripted roleplays aren't really my thing. I tend to go more for loose roleplays where you can pretty much do anything, like a sandbox. I will say that the idea is interesting, but...the way they seem to plan on executing it is making me want to stay away from it.

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