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Dojo Grandmaster
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Status Updates posted by TheFclass97

  1. Due to bullcrap messing with my old yt channel, I decided to make a new and improved channel! It's gonna be tough since I had the channel for 6 years, but to me it's just a new begining... help support... http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtF8c64MJyZ4d0OcDDD6wA/feed

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      What happened?

    2. TheFclass97


      My account got shut down due to "spam" and "misleading videos." I have been on youtube for over 6 years, and I never received any problems with them. Not even a copyright issue.

    3. TheFclass97


      I also never spamed anything since I rarely comment, and all my videos makes sense with their titles and tags, so basically my account got shut down by false claims.

  2. New NMTE Live mtach video -

  3. Last minute votes! Anyone may vote :3 Votes for the next DLC character for NETMugen TE!!! http://strawpoll.me/2821292

  4. Live I guess - http://www.twitch.tv/thefclass97 Just gonna stream whatever

  5. Last minute sign ups ladies and gentleman! Everything starts at 11:00 am ET http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  6. Tomorrow is the big day! Haven't signed up yet? Then damn it, do it! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

    1. Darkflare


      I would join but

      1. I don't have much faith in Online Mugen

      2. It would be too easy for me

      3. I don't have a reliable PC for this.

    2. TheFclass97


      I wouldn't say those words Darkflare... Especially to a communtiy you know nothing about ^_^

  7. 2 days left! What are ye waiting for? http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  8. http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Last four days! Sign up for the NETMugen TE Tourney!
  9. mugen Online tourney has been annoucned with a date! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Sign up. Download links are on the site!

    1. Kamau


      The dropbox link is down. Please message me when it is back up.

    2. TheFclass97


      Link is fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

  10. Finally bringing NMTE back into relevance now.. yay...

  11. For anyone who is/was interested in the NETMugen TE Project, there will be some important announcements of it. might upload the skype call. But if you are in, get on.

  12. Friend is streaming! Support by following: http://www.twitch.tv/cannon478

  13. just put a poll ish thing for the next DLC guest char for mugen online!

  14. Brackets are being set up. Toruney may start when latest patch is released: Try to get in by giving me your name and/or username to join! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  15. Lel, between evo, Sakurais new reveal, and the upcoming DLC/patch for NETMugen TE, its going sweel today :3

  16. What does everybody want?!

  17. Welp.. gonna have to wait till october. I knew it :3

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