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Dojo Grandmaster
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Status Updates posted by TheFclass97

  1. Guys... a new Kids Next Door show will come out... but not without your help. Please click the link to sign in the petition so that the show can happen! Plz..? :D Link for the petition below here: https://www.change.org/p/cartoon-network-greenlight-galactic-kids-next-door-series

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      but i'll sign it even though i doubt Kids next door will return.

    3. Doomguy


      Lol what.

      CN is run by greedy, corrupt Canadians.

    4. Demitri


      They'll tarnish the KnD name if it even gets made anyway...

  2. Surprisingly, this was my hardest rusty learning curve since playing Mortal Kombat after I was 12, 5 years later. Still a good game tho... https://youtu.be/HzGyxtqfYpg

  3. The second trailer to NETMugen TE Revival... get hype! https://youtu.be/C2bcoqNGsEA

    1. Ryon


      what is the online engine called? Is it like Ikemen?

    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      eh.. it is ikemen.

  4. Thanks R@ce...thanks... http://youtu.be/diH6udPFD_Q



      That was too funny dude! Good video man! lol

    2. TheFclass97


      Glad you liked it ^_~



      Dude you had me laughing like crazy lol

  5. Just messing around with ssf2 after like what... 2 years since I touched the game? lets see what I can discover... http://youtu.be/bNDwzXGv8Jo

  6. I need to know... why out of all sites, Trinitymugen takes so long to load? It still doesn't load completely for me, ands my internet is not even bad.

  7. A new thing I might start... will I be consistent with it? hope so
  8. Something more experimental... Might change layouts soon if anything... More to come pretty soon so stick around... http://youtu.be/_Xnb4btuYzk

  9. Who's jimmies are rustled?

  10. Well damn... I was just gonna upload a mugen review of Green ranger by Ax (at this point, I dont even know if this was a real creation or not...), but due to some backlash i've been hearing and lognair quiting mugen maybe becuase of the feud... I decided to cancel it, since my timing would be probably bad... let me know if it's safe to upload it in the future....

  11. New review I guess -

  12. Well this is different..

  13. NEW VIDEO!!! Something different... a combo video by yours truly. ^_~ http://youtu.be/tyC4YuL5Q9Q

    1. Darkflare


      And at no point while you were doing this, did you suspect that the damage may be a little to high?

    2. TheFclass97


      I did. Again, I didn't tinker with this character. She was just released. For my private collection, it would be obvious that I'm gonna edit her damage. besides, it was all for testing purposes and good fun.

    3. TheFclass97


      Should have seen my face when I did some of these combos and saw the damages

  14. Wow this sounds so good...

  15. Didn't stream it, but got a better way. Uploads! Well, here's a new series. Let's try to keep this up ^_~ http://youtu.be/CDTpYlPTwVI

    1. Darkflare


      Clock Tower is an odd choice for a game to play with your mom.

  16. Here we go.... Mom and Son Live streaming!! :o http://www.twitch.tv/TheFclass97

  17. Kinda got wacky and bored today. Anyways, here... a new video... http://youtu.be/YtMcUghnwhI

  18. Feliz Christmas... or something like that...

  19. Some smash 4 matches of a first to 4 set i had with a friend :D http://youtu.be/pSKbJRDVO4g

  20. ALSO FANTASTIC NEWS! I GOT MY CHANNEL BACK!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFclass97

    1. Mister Fael
    2. TheFclass97


      I am honestly not sure. I'm guessing all those days of conacting google, telling them about how the claims were wrong and they brought it back. i'm just happy I don't have to start over....

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