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Dojo Grandmaster
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Status Updates posted by TheFclass97

  1. Not a drill. new Card Saga Wars update finally made it, and man is it worth it...



  2. The Black Heart Online has been released...

  3. The Blackheart Online Edition... I will make and livestream it if I can get 10 people to vote. Link is below:



  4. Gonna be streaming Capcom Vs The World 2 (yes, there's a sequel). Come check it out.



  5. FINALLY. I changed my avatar... 

  6. Just finished organizing the mugen online tourney (RAT 4). The stream was hella fun. 

  7. https://youtu.be/-wPWlHJGVvk


    Check out the stream! Tourney is starting!

  8. I'm releasing a Hyper DBZ version for Ikemen (online play)... Should I try to show it to the Z2 team? If not, should I release it publicly? If I DO release it here though, where should I put it? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheFclass97


      I saw one on YouTube, but it was super bland. Im actually putting in the full screenpack, along with the updated chars and such.

    3. jenngra505


      The screenpack wasn't added til just now so.

    4. TheFclass97


      I was referring to the ikemen that was made before.  

  9. Happy Holidays you fucking nerds... ^_~

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! XD


      Marry Christmas {PRB} TheFclass97 :-)

  10. Never was good at streaming... but I'll give it a try. The tournament's here...


  11. Finally was able to update Revival to Ver. 1.0.4... This time I think it's the best one!

  12. Online tag, ikemen screenpacks, dlc, tournaments and more! Click to view the update which is now live!!! Download links are below here!

  13. NETMugen TE Revival DLC and Update! -

  14. That's right... a little bit of Salt & Drama in the Mugen online Gameplay/Community... http://youtu.be/lPRu3ktfrZ0

  15. http://youtu.be/DzxAf4-20xU Might upload an update video regarding important information on the community and future updates... must see. Stay tuned and thanks for watching! Download for NETMugen TE Revival plus the crew's links are below!
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