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Status Updates posted by Wargame-kun

  1. if you are visiting of some forums and beware of idiots that includes admins/mods or for the best dont ever go to that place ever again!

  2. if you are visiting of some forums and beware of idiots that includes admins/mods or for the best dont ever go to that place ever again!

  3. having damn cold...

  4. keep calm and start havesting the leeks!

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Kojuro in a nutshell

  5. Seriously who the hell removes my previous status "Keep Calm and Dont Act Stupid " explain this shit...

  6. Seriously who the hell removes my previous status "Keep Calm and Dont Act Stupid " explain this shit...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShiroTori


      I was originally a poster put up around London during WWII when the Germans were bombing the city. The poster had said "Keep calm and carry on." Now, people have butchered it with all these variations.

    3. ShiroTori


      *It, not I. I was not a poster during WWII.

    4. Gaulbetti


      Oh, then that kid at school was right... I thought he was lying...

  7. i guess in a few days/weeks i going to update some of my stages

  8. currently watching nourin (i loled too much on episode 9)

  9. if you still keep calm you never be a super saiyan..

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      and if you stay sane u never become legendary SS?

    2. Darkflare


      Why do you think I'm always mad?

    3. Doomguy


      Why is it that I don't need to become Super Saiyan?

  10. recently bored idk what do right now (dont suggest me like kill yourself or anything stupid)

    1. Darkflare


      Do something productive with your life.

  11. keep calm and eat your food

  12. keep calm and start panicking like an idiot

    1. MugoUrth


      I can't do both! XD

    2. Doomguy


      Because Chuck Norris.

  13. keep calm and nuke them down!

    1. Gaulbetti


      Where does that Keep Calm thing come from?

    2. Remzy


      Why don't you just google it dude...?

    3. Doomguy


      Keep Calm and...

      never mind, Chuck Norris.

  14. 12hrs ago just done watching kill la kill (3-4 days to finish all 24 episodes well i blame the internet for being slow as fuck damn it) well it was fun to watch it (kai i didn't care for teh plot this time)

    1. Galvatron


      That series was awesome. =D

  15. went watching kill la kill currently on episode 5

    1. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      oh that sucks i spoiled you of ryuko's last transformation. what you think of it anyways?

    2. Wargame-kun


      lol spoiling me aint gonna work

  16. hates the Telecoms due to giving me a slow as fuck internet..

    1. Kazagami


      Third World Countries' internet will always be doomed

  17. Ai battle against Mouri vs Yashaoh

    was uploaded almost 3yrs ago
  18. is friggin bored as f-

    1. RicePigeon


      fish fingers and custard

  19. reading some manga

  20. it seems PB given DF a green light!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wargame-kun


      not really i let DF do the harsh word to him and please STFU if you protecting that idiot seriously you're an ass

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      he wasnt protecting anyone in paticular he was stateing a Fact,AX wont listen to anyone & thats his choice to make & i also a agree i dont think Ry will let anyone Go with whatever they want

    4. Darkflare


      Too late. As glad as I am to let that out, it really should be locked.

  21. Keep Calm and Start Beating Ax Craps

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MugoUrth


      Yeah what happened to ignore the topic? But then again, Ax kind of deserves what he gets now.

    3. Darklight


      2 wrongs dont make a right

    4. MugoUrth


      I suppose, but can you really say scolding him is wrong?

  22. imma lay off on mugen for a while again for some reasons....

  23. and then Ax stupidity continues at mario thread what an jackass..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chakanibon


      Ignore The Thread Would Be Good.

    3. Galvatron


      @Chuck: That too...

      Doe I know Boss-man Ryon is going to Lock it up soon =P

    4. Darkflare


      Noobie, you were being serious?

      Let me laugh even harder.

  24. thinking of making a match against okita (using nanaya) and finish it with Last/Arc Drive Finisher..

  25. reading flame da wars at mario thread (much entertainment so harsh reply wow!)

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